Faith - Part 1 - Ulysses x Reader

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Faith. It's a big word. Well, its meaning to us is, at least. For me, to have faith in someone, can mean that you trust them beyond question. A big step for many. To have faith that something, anything, will work out in your favour, can often be clutching at straws. To have faith in a greater being. An omnipotent deity or deities is often seen as the defining definition of the word. And all those are fine. But to put your faith in someone that you know you shouldn't. To have faith that they will do the right thing, when they have never done the right thing before, is a big ask. And that was the conundrum that (Y/n) currently found herself in. Could she, should she put her faith in him? Faith in Ulysses Klaue.

"Come on (Y/n). You can trust me. Have a little faith." Ulysses grinned, as he looked (Y/n) up and down. His thick Afrikaans accent hanging heavily in the warming morning air.

(Y/n) had to admit that she had never really liked his accent. But it definitely suited the arms dealer. It was as rough as he was. He wouldn't have suited anything lighter, sweeter. He needed that thick rasping accent, or it just wouldn't be him.

"Trust you? Ha! I wouldn't trust you if you were the last man on this planet. You are sneaky, underhanded, cunning, greedy, and will go to any lengths to get what you want." (Y/n) scoffed, slapping Klaue's hand away as he reached up and tried to brush some of her hair behind her ear.

"But . Those are some of my finest points. You can always trust a greedy man to be greedy. It's the ones that pretend that they aren't, that you have to watch." Ulysses chuckled, watching as the mercenary made her way over to her jeep. (Y/n) taking a seat in the passenger side, having a feeling that this little meeting was going to take a lot longer than she had thought.

She hated to admit it, but she really did need him at the moment. Probably as much as he need her for his latest hairbrained scheme. But should she do as he said, and trust him? Should she have a little faith that Ulysses could do something honourable for once?

"That may be the case, Ulysses. But that doesn't mean that I am going to trust you. And stop calling me beautiful like that. I swear it freaks me out. I have told you before that I am not getting involved in any dodgy dealings with Wakanda. You are the one with the problem with Wakandans, not me. I know that your great-grandfather was killed by the Black Panther. But seriously, this level of revenge is a little over the top. And I would trust that Killmonger, about as much as I trust you. Believe me, he is going to be the death of you." (Y/n) told him, as she pulled out a bottle of water from under the seat and took a drink. Ulysses smiling to himself, as he thought about the other thing that he would like to see (Y/n) wrap her lips around.

Klaue had to admit that he had always liked the female mercenary. She was quick, deadly, and just like him, not above doing exactly what it took to get what she wanted. And just like him, she was on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar. And for that reason, he felt as though she was one of the only people that he could actually trust. Over the years she had worked for some very unpleasant people. Some very unpleasant people. Even finding herself on the wrong side of Stark and his little band once or twice. Yet no matter what happened. No matter how dangerous things got. No matter how many people seemed to die around her, (Y/n) always seemed to come out smelling of roses. And that was one of the reasons he wanted her help. That, and he would give anything to get closer to the beautiful killer. Preferably even get her into his bed.

"Anyway. I told you. I'm trying to stay low for a while. S.H.I.E.L.D have been sniffing around again. I can't remember doing anything wrong. Well, not lately anyway. I haven't done any contract work for Hydra in ages. Yet Fury and the goodie two shoes brigade are dogging me every chance they get. I keep expecting old iron breeches and his star spangled banner pal to come breaking down the door of my safe house at any moment. Look, I have some contacts that might be able to help you. They are unscrupulous, even by your standards. And I would recommend not turning your back on them. But they should be able to help. And as they don't like the Wakandans anymore than you do, you may find that you get on like a house on fire. But in return, I need you to help me get out of here. I want to get back to Europe, I can disappear better there. And I might be able to pick up a few jobs. I've been getting low on ready cash. Hiding out doesn't come cheap." (Y/n) sighed, always getting the feeling that anytime she needed Ulysses help, she was having to make a deal with the devil.

Given everything she knew about him, she could never quite put her finger on what it was that always put him at the top of her go to list, when she needed someone's help. He wasn't a particularly nice man. Though that said, she wasn't a particularly nice woman. He wasn't handsome in a classical sense. Well, maybe not in any sense, if she compared him to Stark and the rest of his Village People. The thief brand that he had received for stealing vibranium not helping either. Yet he was like her. Bad to the bone. Rotten to the core. And as he had said, you can always trust a greedy man to be greedy.

"So? Are you going to help?" (Y/n) asked. Watching as Ulysses made his way over to her. The arms dealer smiling smugly at her as placed his hands on either side of the jeep's door. Caging her in between his arms.

"I will help you get back to Europe, and all it will cost you is the price that is hanging over your head. That, and a date. Dinner tonight." He chuckled, as (Y/n) stared at him in disbelief.

"A date? What part of 'I am trying to lie low', don't you understand, Klaue? I can't just go wandering around the town. And who says I'd ever go out on a date with you anyway? Plus, if you want the gold, you will get it when you get me to Europe. I don't want you double crossing me and trying to collect twice." (Y/n) replied. Still unable to believe the sheer bare faced audacity of the man, even after all these years.

"A date and the gold, (Y/n). That's the deal. I don't mind taking the gold on delivery as long as I get the date up front. And don't worry about where we will be going. I know this quite little, intimate place. Just wear something revealing, and I will be at your place to pick you up at seven." Ulysses continued. A big smile coming to his lips as (Y/n) sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Ok. But nothing revealing. And if you even think about going back on our deal Klaue, and you will regret it." (Y/n) told him, as she pushed his arms away and climbed over the seat to get behind the wheel. The vehicle roaring into life as she turned the key.

"Seven o'clock, Ulysses. Don't screw this up." (Y/n) continued, as she put the car in gear. The machine slowly moving away.

"Of course not, (Y/n). Have a little faith."  

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