The announcement - Part 8 - Tony x Scott x Reader

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There had been a strange hum going around the compound that Tony didn't seem to be privy to. Since (Y/n) and Scott's return to the fold, the rest of the team had given the billionaire no other choice but to accept that the two would be back with them. And even though Tony hated seeing (Y/n) always with the smug looking Lang by her side. Having the elemental just be in the same room as him, was enough at the moment.

Deep down, Tony still hoped that he could somehow persuade (Y/n) that out of the pair of them, he was the better choice. That she deserved more than an ex-criminal that had had to work at Baskin-Robbins and had been struggling to pay child support to his ex-wife, so that he could maintain visitation rights to his own daughter. But every time Tony had tried to get near the elemental, the two ever watchful guard dogs that closely resembled Rogers and Barnes, would come between the billionaire and his target. One of them either whisking (Y/n) off, or finding something that Tony, and only Tony could do.

Over the last couple of days, the super soldiers and Lang appeared to have been more in cahoots than normal. And all their hushed scheming seemed to have culminated in the team waiting in the common room.

"Do you think he's got it yet?" Bucky asked Steve. Both men looking out of the window and onto the driveway, that led up to the compound.

"Not yet. He said he wanted to wait until Cassie arrived at his place, then he would take her and pick it up. Hopefully they'll both be here soon." Steve replied as he turned to look back at the rest of the team. The captain unable to stop himself from smiling softly as he took in the strange rag tag group of heroes, spies, and Asgardian gods that he and Bucky saw as family.

"He's not gonna be happy about this you know." Bucky continued as he looked over at where Tony was sat nursing a glass of scotch.

"There's nothing he can do about it. And let's face it, what's important is that (Y/n) and Scott are happy. I'm sure Stark will be fine. He'll bounce back. He always does." Steve replied. As he and Bucky turned back to look out at the driveway, waiting for Scott and Cassie to arrive.


"(Y/N)!" Nat exclaimed as she pounded on the bathroom door. The former assassin worried as she heard her friend cry from the other side of the door.

It felt as though she and had been waiting hours for the elemental. But given what it could mean if the test was positive, Nat knew that she had to give (Y/n) time.

Like everyone else, apart from Tony that is. Nat was privy to what Scott had planned for the day. And that given (Y/n) own possible news, the day could actually be bigger than what Scott, Steve and Bucky already had planned. And Natasha couldn't wait to hear the results.

"(Y/n). Come on honey. What's going on? What does the test say?" Nat asked, her eyes widening as the bathroom door slowly creeped open to reveal the tear soaked cheeks, and swollen eyes of the elemental.

"(Y/n)?" Nat hesitantly asked, as she inched closer. (Y/n) finally appearing fully from the bathroom. A small white plastic stick in her hand.

"It........its.........." (Y/n) cried. Throwing herself into Nat's arms. The widow taking the tester from the elemental's hand. A small smile coming to her lips as she saw the two pink lines.

"Oh, (Y/n). That's wonderful. I'm going to be an aunt." Nat announced, not sure why (Y/n) could possibly be crying.

"But.......but what will Scott say? I don't know if he wants to be a father again. What if he doesn't want me or the baby. What if he doesn't love me anymore." (Y/n) sniffed, as she wiped away the tears from her eyes. Her mind filled with all the worst possible outcomes. She knew that she shouldn't be like this, especially around Nat. The elemental knowing that the Red Room had taken away Natasha's chance to ever have a child of her own. She knew that she should be happy, and deep down she was. She was thrilled at the notion of having a child with the man she loved. But she and Scott had never spoken about having a child. Being a real family. And call it her hormones going crazy, but the only thing that she could think about at this present moment, was losing Scott.

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