14.Precious Being

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Dinah;s POV

Don't know what happened to me back then but when he came back i was happy more than happy.I always hoped that one day he will come back to me ,when Mr.Ash blonde hair came back i was more than happy. It felt like all the happiness i ever dreamed on is back on track .Mr.Ash blonde hair was someone precious, he was my precious being .I loved him ,I knew it but then I never knew how he felt towards me after he lied back then.

After the conversation I had with him ,things got back to normal. Mr.Ash blonde hair and i was back to how we were before .My cousin Z was happy to see me excited. But then there was a part of me that was excited and happy but then the other part of me wasn't. I didn't trust him anymore .The trust i had for Mr.Ash Blonde hair was gone ,i thought and tried of trusting him but then no matter how hard i tried i couldn't. I was happy being around Mr.Ash blonde hair but then I was being myself ,I was being someone i wasn't. I was being the person he wanted me to be ,not being myself. I wanted to change ,to change for him ,cause I thought that if I changed and stayed the way he wanted me to be then i thought he would always stay with me .So i did .

We met during freshers practice everyday .He will come pick me up at college and we will then later go together to teach our juniors,our new freshers. We taught them the best we could ,they were young talented ,innocent beings.We adored them ,we loved them ,we enjoyed a lot with them.

The time i had with Mr.Ash blonde hair seemed like a dream to me.A dream i didn't wish to ever wake up.He had told me about him breaking up with his girlfriend ,it eased me .I felt bad for the girl next door but then I felt she deserved better, i felt like I needed Mr.Ash blonde hair more than she did .

I was thrilled more than happy of them breaking up ,cause i got home back.Just few months and it was over between them.I felt as if my prayers were answered. I felt like the days i cried for him was over .

I was spending most of my time with Mr.Ash blonde hair.We roamed around on weekends. We went shopping together. We visited restaurants together, went on dates. He would come pick me up, and i was still nervous whenever I saw him.I still couldn't get over my nervousness that made me realize that i still was truly and deeply in love with him .

My cousin Z was happy for me.He made sure hr gave me space with i was around Mr.Ash Blonde hair. He asked if I was happy which I excitedly replied I am more than happy. He said he was glad that I was happy but then he also mentioned me not to loose my real identity. He wasn't happy that I was doing the things that Mr.Ash blonde hair wanted me to do.He told me to be me .Yes,it did bother me but then I wasn't ready to loose him .I just wanted him more than anything that i was ready to change only for him that I didn't bother how people looked at me or judged me .I was happy he was with me ,if i pleased him i was done with it.

But then my happiness didn't last long. I saw him updating about the girl next door.I was confused why .I asked him which he replied that she came back .He said that he was in relationship with her again. I was hurt .I felt like my world was over ,the little ray of hope,the little light i was clenching for was gone.I didn't know what to say so i didn't reply other than saying "Congratulations you got her back" .He said that jim and i will remain the same .I didn't know what to say but then I agreed cause i didn't want to loose him .I hope that they will break up never to get back together. So i stayed ,i stayed with the hope that he will stay with me.

He was with me more than he was with his girl.We will sleepover, go out places,travel together .People that saw us thought we were couples. I was happy when people thought that way cause I was something I will never get even if i wanted it in real.We had sex most of the time .When we were alone that was the only thing we knew of .But then, we started arguing a lot .I always thought that he was in a sexual relationship with his girlfriend too .But then he promised that i was the only one .We promised each other that we will never have any sexual bond with other beings but will always be inclined on each other when it comes to sex .We both agreed to it.I knew I was doing wrong but then I trusted him.He always said that he was just in relationship for name sake ,he said later on he will come back to me.I was always with him.I knew I was wrong again but then I just wanted to be there for him .I knew having a sexual relationship with him wasn't the best idea but then there was no other way I could think of apart of that .So i stayed ,had sex with him ,cuddled with him ,remain with him always .But in weekends we were never together. I knew the reason, casue on weekends he was always in a date with his girlfriend. I felt insecure but then there was nothing I could do cause to being with he was never mine but just my precious being.

On weekends i was out with my cousin Z .He asked me how my relationship status was .I told him Mr.Ash blonde hair and I were just friends now.He said he was glad for the progress i made .Me and Z went out on weekends, we loved trekking and camping so we always did .Even if it was just the two of us .But then one night while me and Z were out camping outskirts of the city .Mr.Ash blonde hair called .I was shocked as of why he called .He then messaged me that he was in the mood to have sex ,I said I was out but then that made him furious. I was shocked of his response. I was hurt again that he thought me as his sex partner nothing more than that .I later than texted him that I wasn't a whore .That he couldn't do things his way.Bit then he was pissed about the things I said that he told me to stop contacting him .I was crying just one mistake of mine it was over .I never expected it to end it this way but then it did .I was crying .I told my cousin Z .He hugged me tight.Told me that it wasn't fair that he was playing around with my feelings. I said i was fine but I wasn't. When he texted me never to text or call him again .It felt as if my little world of me staying by his side was over .My precious being was gone only after 1 months. I knew I lost him but then I wanted him ,cause he was so precious to me that i didn't wanna lose him.But then i couldn't do a thing apart from crying and being regretful of what i said .

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