Chapter 2

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Jake's Pov;

Jake Ross strode into the hallway of the faculty building with two of his best buddies, Boyce and Harris; he couldn't wait to get to class for his early morning lectures.

He let out a faint sigh with the hope that his buddies wouldn't hear a sound.

'Jake, take a look at that girl with the braids; I bet she's new here; trust me, I haven't seen her before,'  Boyce blurted out.

Jake turned to look at her, but she had her back turned to them, so it was impossible to see her face, but one thing was sure, she was of the black race, which disgusted him.

He took his time to stare at her, his eyes flickering up and down, taking in her rear end.

'Damn, she's got a big ass,' Jake thought as he noticed how it moved when she walked.

Still, then again, it disgusted him that he should feel such wanton lust and excitement for a black woman; he hated them, and he thought the color of their skin was awful; after all, that was what his parents always said; his dad always took it upon himself to speak on how the blacks shouldn't have to be equal to the white race and that they were all criminals and thieves.

But why did he suddenly have to feel a certain kind of way for this particular girl who had that skin color?

'I have no idea what she looks like, and yet I'm excited,' he thought to himself.

Anger for the weakness on his part made him open his mouth to talk.

'You know, I think her hair is sort of ugly. And the color of her skin is gross,' he finished off with a sly smile, having no idea that his voice was loud enough to be heard across the hall.

And then she turned

Her eyes collided with his, and he froze on the spot; she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

She had dazzling, champagne-brown eyes and half-moon cheekbones. Her skin was copper-brown like a windfall autumn leaf, and she had kiss-inspiring lips that were pillow-soft. Deep down, he wondered how it would feel to taste those lips, and the mere thought got him feeling hard; he stared down at her body; she was curvaceous with a goblet-shaped waist.

His heart flipped, but then reality hit him, he shouldn't go weak for this girl, and then he burst out laughing at her with his friends.

'I don't think a lowlife like you should talk back at me; I didn't happen to mention your name, so how the hell did you know I was talking to you, or are you so hungry for attention that you answer every male you see.' He replied
feeling a tinge of pain in his chest when he said that to her, noticing how her eyes seemed to gleam with anger, but then she turned around and walked away from them.

He had to forget her; maybe his body needed sex that was why he was reacting to her so badly; he had to see Mila tonight to ease off the sexual anxiety building inside of him.

'Let us go, guys. I do not want to be late for class,' he told his pals, and they made their way to the class.

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