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4 months later:

Efe stood in the kitchen of her brother's apartment, singing as she stirred a pot of tomato stew. She looked down and smiled as she admired her big baby bump. 

She would be seven months pregnant in a week, and it only meant one thing that her due date was right around the corner.

She had taken a leave of absence from the university four months ago to stay home and take care of her pregnancy without having to bump into Jake and his numerous girlfriends.

Her brother had been so kind to listen to her story without blaming her, and she remembered how he embraced her all through her endless sobs. They had agreed to break the news of her pregnancy to their family after Efe delivered.

She was grateful to have such a caring and understanding brother. His girlfriend had also been of great help to Ef, and she thanked God for both of them.

Life was going well for her, but that didn't stop her from shedding silent tears at night. She had kept in touch with Kelly, who gave her the latest happenings in The university. Kelly was wise enough never to mention Jake's name whenever she and Efe had conversations, and Efe never asked.

Efe dished out her food into a plate and switched off the cooker, and she then made her way into her bedroom.

Her appetite had pretty much increased since she found out she was pregnant, which had in turn, given her so much baby weight. Her ass was the size of a hippopotamus, so round and big. Her breasts had increased so much that they rested heavily on her belly.

Her hips weren't left out as they became more expansive and curvy.

Her pregnancy had sent her sex drive into overdrive, and the only thing she could do was watch porn which didn't help her high libido, of course. Sometimes she would remember Jake, and her body would heat up.

Her Ob/Gyn had explained that it was very typical to have a high libido during pregnancy.

Efe heard her phone ring, which jolted her back to reality.

"Hello, girlfriend, I'm around your area.. can we meet up. I'm at Target," She heard Kelly say over the phone.

"Oh well, hello, I would love to; just give me a few minutes to tidy up," she replied as she hastily stood up, making her way to the bathroom.

She had barely touched her food, but she was so excited to see Kelly; after all, it would be nice getting some Fresh air.

* * *

"O.M.G Efe, you look fabulous; you make a beautiful pregnant woman," Kelly said in excitement as they hugged each other.

"You could say that again, I need a foot massage and a belly rub ; it's so nice to see you; I've missed you so much, Kelly," Efe smiled.

"Trust me when I say the feeling is mutual here," Kelly said "let's go to the household essential section. I need a few things for my room."

They both made their way over to the store shelves, giggling and laughing.

"Efe," someone called

At that moment, Efe turned around only to bump into those blue eyes that had tormented her soul.

She gasped, unable to breathe; she felt her heart jumping in her chest, and then she got very hot and sweaty.

At that moment, it started to get blurry.

She heard her name being called out, but it sounded so distant, so familiar.

Her knees buckled as darkness covered her.

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