Chapter 17

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Efe registered the distant chirping of birds as she gradually became aware of her surroundings. The steady beep of the hospital monitor accompanied her return to consciousness.

"She's awake! Oh, thank heavens," her brother Osas exclaimed with evident relief.

Efe surveyed the room, realizing she was in a hospital. A sudden pang of concern washed over her. "My baby, where is my baby, please?" she implored.

"Please, calm down. We'll discuss that later. The important thing right now is your well-being," Osas reassured her, his eyes filled with anxiety.

Efe wondered about Jake's whereabouts. "How long have I been here, brother?" she inquired.

"You've been here for three days now," Osas replied.

"Were there any other visitors?"

"Yes, indeed. Your friend Kelly and a man with blond hair were here. They both seemed extremely concerned for you, particularly the blond-haired man. His name was... Jake, yes, Jake. I heard he hasn't slept a wink since he brought you here," her brother informed her.

In that moment, Efe's curiosity about Jake's location intensified.

"Where is he, please?" she inquired earnestly.

"He said he had somethings to fix and that he'll be right back," her brother replied, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
"Why are you so interested in Jake, Efe?" he probed.

"No...thing... I'm just curious, I suppose," she stammered.

"We have much to discuss, Efe, but we'll save that for after you're discharged, all right?" he reassured her.
"But please, where is my baby?" she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.

"He's fine. You'll see him soon, I promise. But first, you need to recover, and then we'll take you to meet him," Osas explained.

"It's a boy... oh, thank God," she murmured, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't worry, Efe... oh, here comes the doctor," he remarked.

"Hello, good day, Efe. We're delighted to see you awake," the doctor greeted her, a smile lighting up his face.

Efe managed a small smile and nodded. The conversation gradually faded into the background as the comforting embrace of sleep enveloped her once more.

❤️ 🤍 ❤️

Jake watched Efe as she slept peacefully, her features relaxed. She had given him the most precious gift – a child. He felt guilty that their argument had led her to give birth prematurely and that their seven-month-old baby was now in an incubator. He knew he had to make things right, so he went home to speak with his parents about Efe and their baby. As expected, the conversation was challenging.

"Jake Christopher Robert, how could you harbor romantic feelings for a woman of a different race, let alone have physical contact with her and father a child? A mixed-race child? Not in this family, do you hear me? It is unacceptable!" his father yelled, anger blazing in his eyes.

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