Chapter 13-Book 2

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Efe felt nausea creeping in again, as this was the fifth time she was throwing up in a day. She sighed as she made her way to the ladies toilet to throw up again..
She had been feeling very sick, especially at mornings... So she made up her mind to visit the hospital that afternoon.

It had been a week ago since she and Jake had parted ways, and she missed him like crazy... She always bawled her eyes out every night so much that Kelly, her roommate, was concerned.

She shrugged the Jake thought aside as she walked to get a cab to the hospital.

"Hello, ma'am; we've collected your blood and urine samples, so we'll be in touch with you; please have a seat in the reception room.. a nurse will be with you soon concerning your results." The nurse said

"Okay, thank you," Efe replied as she watched the nurse disappear into the other ward.

She hated hospitals so much ... her eyes were drawn to a lady breastfeeding her child.. it looked beautiful, and before long, a tear slid from her eyes. Efe cussed at herself.. why the heck was she getting mushy and emotional at little things these days, she thought.

"Hello, madam, the doctor will see you now," a nurse said to her

It was about time .. she thought to herself.

*                       *                      *

"I cannot be..... preg.. nant" Efe said as tears slid down her eyes

"Maybe you've got my test results mixed up somewhere, doctor... I can assure you that I'm not pregnant," she repeated..her whole body trembling. How could this happen to her, she thought? Perhaps, she was being punished.

"Madam, I can assure you that it's the correct result.. do not panic ... you'll be a great mom, I assure you," the doctor reassured her with a broad smile on his face

"How long have I been pregnant?" She asked

"From the test results, we are looking at two months and one week" The doctor replied.

" Thank... you... u.. for your time today. I'll be taking my leave, doc." Efe brought herself to say

"Alright, bye, and take good care of yourself, I expect to see you at the next antenatal meeting... you've got a baby on the way."

Efe nodded with a forced smile as she made her way out of his office.

She was going to be a mum.. how could she travel from Nigeria to the states only to get pregnant in her second year at the university.

She was ruined, how could she tell her family... How could she tell them that she was pregnant for a man who despised her, a man who had discarded her like a piece of Trash...Efe sobbed quietly all through her journey back home.

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