Chapter 7

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Rated 18+

Jake walked slowly towards her, making his way to the bed.

Suddenly the languorous energy between them seemed to change and thicken with something much more urgent and sharp.

'I want you,'

She looked up at him and gulped. She'd never seen such an intense look on his face before. His bone structure stood out in stark relief. She nodded, her whole being saying yes to whatever he meant.

Jake raised himself over her and pulled her arms up so that they were over her head.

He looked at her. 'Stay like that.'

Efe didn't think she could move even if she wanted to. She was enslaved.

He watched her for a moment as if she might disobey him, and she said roughly, 'I'm not moving.'

He smiled—brief and infinitely wicked. Then he looked his fill of her, his gaze slow and thorough.

"You are beautiful Efe, has anyone told you that before."

"Not really" she bit out

"Then they are all blind," he said

His hand moved over her, causing her stomach muscles to contract. He cupped her breast again until it pouted wantonly towards his mouth, and when he bent his head and surrounded her tight nipple with heat and moisture she clasped her hands together over her head, so tightly it hurt. It was the only thing she could do to counteract the intense spiking of pleasure.

Her back arched helplessly towards him, and when he left one breast he ministered the same brand of torture to the other one, until Efe was flushed and panting, her whole body pulsating with need.

He lifted his head and looked at her, his expression feral. 'You're so responsive...why do you hide all this heat under those awful clothes you wear, hmm?'

Efe had no coherent answer except the one in her head that was silent. Because I hadn't met you yet...

His hand drifted down again, over her belly and lower, as he said throatily, 'Let's see how responsive you really are.'

He pushed her legs apart with gentle force, and every nerve in Efe's body seemed to migrate between her legs in anticipation of his touch.

She still wasn't prepared when he did touch her, experimentally at first, on the very outside of where she ached most. Teasing her.

She couldn't keep her arms up any longer and gripped his wide shoulders.

He shook his head slightly stunned. "You... I had no idea a woman like you existed..."

As he spoke he slipped a finger inside her and Efe's thoughts scattered. She was too overcome to analyze what he'd just said or what it might mean.

She could feel her body resisting this intrusion, but as he explored her with a gentleness that belied the man she'd thought he was she felt her body softening, opening... One finger causing her hips to shoot up...

The thought of how she was going to feel once he was inside her was making her dizzy with excitement and longing.

'I always knew you'd be good,' he said with a faint smile on his face.

She didn't need experience to tell her how she would feel once Jake was inside her, how he would fill and pleasure her. After all, in her dreams she had already known this intimacy with him many, many times; in her dreams she had already felt the heat and passion of him, touched and caressed him, known the pleasure of holding him deep within her own body.

Desperate to relieve the almost intolerable heat that threatened to burn her up, she dug her nails into his shoulders.


'My pleasure.' His eyes were two narrow slits of fire, his jaw hard, streaks of color highlighting his cheekbones as he scanned her flushed cheeks and parted lips.

'Are you protected?' His husky question didn't begin to penetrate her dazed brain, and she made an unintelligible sound, her legs tightening around his back, her body arching off the bed in an attempt to ease the fearsome ache he'd created.

She felt his strong hands close around her hips. He shifted his position, tilted her slightly, and then surged into her with a decisive thrust of his penis that drew a disbelieving groan from him and a shocked gasp from Efe.

An explosion of unbelievable pleasure suddenly splintered into pain, and her sharp cry caused him to still instantly.

Pain and embarrassment mingled in equal measure and for a moment Efe dug her nails hard into his shoulders, afraid to move in case moving made it worse. And then suddenly the pain was gone and there was only pleasure—dark, forbidden pleasure that beckoned her forwards into a totally new world. She moved her hips restlessly, not sure what she wanted him to do, but needing him to do something.

There was the briefest hesitation on his part while he scanned her flushed cheeks, then he surged into her again, but this time more gently, his eyes holding hers the whole time as he introduced her to an intimacy that was new to her. And it was pleasure such as she'd never imagined. Pleasure that blew her mind.

She didn't know herself—her body at the mercy of sensual pleasure and the undeniable skill of an experienced male.

Controlled by his driving thrusts, she raced towards a peak and then was flung high into space, stars exploding in her head as he swallowed her cries of pleasure with his mouth, and reached his own peak with a triumphant groan.

Swamped by an emotion that she couldn't define, she lifted her hand and tentatively touched him, checking that he was real.

She felt an immediate surge of tension through his powerful frame and heard his sharp intake of breath. Then he lifted his head, and stared down into her eyes.

To Efe it was the single most intimate moment of her life, and when he opened his mouth to speak her heart softened.

"How are you still a virgin..." he asked as he stood up picking his clothes. His voice sounded very harsh.

"Well, I..." she tried to explain..

"Never mind, I'm not interested in hearing that" he said quite rudely "and don't expect anything from me, I do not date and most of all I do not date black girls" he said

They both turned towards his phone ringing. He picked it up

" Hi Mila, ... Yeah sure I'm on my way" he said after some time.

"What," Efe said, finally finding her voice, she used the blanket to cover herself suddenly feeling too naked at this point. The audacity of this man to make arrangements to see Mila after what they just did "But we just made love.." she said.

"Point of correction, had sex, I just fucked you.. I didn't make love to you" he said with a slight frown on his face.

She watched him put on his clothes with tears in her eyes threatening to fall at any given time.

"Get out " Efe yelled at him in between tears

"Oh don't worry witch..that's what I'm doing" he said with a smirk on his face.

And with that, he walked out of the room.

Efe broke down in tears

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