Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry Efe, When I said those hurtful things to you, I wasn't thinking. I realize I hurt your feelings, and I'm sorry," Jake said to her.. he stared into her eyes and she felt he was remorseful but she couldn't accept him so easily.

"Sorry...." She scoffed "No you are not, let me out of this car," she said as she fumbled with her seat belt.

Jake rested his hands on hers, and they both stared at each other without blinking, none of them attempting to break the eye contact.

"Can we start all over again, I promise to be nice this time." she heard Jake say to her.

She hesitated before saying
" As long as you don't switch up on me Jake." She said then adding "Why do you hate blacks so much?" she asked

She watched him look down, his brows furrowed

" I don't hate blacks" she finally heard him say. "I was only wired to hate them," he said thinking about how his parents would kill him if they knew he had even been screwing one.

"Wired, how so??" she asked.

"My family has always been relatively conservative, my parents mostly, they never let me hang out with the black kids in our neighborhood. They made racist comments and jokes and made it clear to us that it was important that we also hate and discriminate the blacks.." he said with his head bowed " I regret being a racist"

"Ohhhhh," Efe said, her hands on her lips "I'm sorry about that, it's not right for parents to pass on such character to their kids." she brought her hand to gently pat him on the shoulders.

" Yeah but we all have a choice, I guess I kinda went with it," he said

" hey don't go hard on yourself, you were a kid and that was like a doctrine in your home, to be honest, I wonder what they would think if they saw you with me," Efe said to him

" You don't have to think about that" he replied " Where exactly are you from, because judging from your accent you ain't an American," he asked while bringing himself to stare into those lovely brown eyes of hers.

"I'm a Nigerian," she said

"Wow, I've heard so much about the country and the people," he said

"Negative or positive comments," she said trying to hold her laughter.

"Both, especially about the jollof rice war with a neighboring country" and they both burst out laughing.

"Yeah Ghana," she told him

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look when you're laughing?" He asked her

"N....ot really" she stammered

"well, now you know," he said as he turned on the car
"Let's go to my place," he said
Efe nodded in affirmation

* * *
"O.....hhhh Efe" Jake moaned out loudly as he slowly penetrated Efe from behind.. Her whole ass on display.. "You are so sexy," he said to her slowly nibbling her ears

"R... eally.." Efe asked as he rode her, her whole body shaking with excitement.

It had been three weeks of pleasure after they both reconciled, they had seduced themselves. It was like they couldn't get enough of each other.

In the bedroom
In the bathroom
In the kitchen
At the dorm
On the floor
In the car
On the wall

Every time, they had sex, it was like the first time. She was going crazy for him, she was on cloud nine and she didn't think she was coming down soon.

Her brother had called her to persuade her to come back for the semester break but she had politely declined saying she had to study but deep down she didn't want to be away from Jake.
She loved him, she loved him so much she felt her heart would break to pieces if he left. Every day with him made her realize that.

" Oh," she said as he flipped her up and trailed kisses down to her private area..eating it out... She cried out in pleasure.

"" she cried out

He buried his head deep in between her thighs eating her out.

"I love..... you," she said with her head thrown backward.

She felt him go still.

" Jake, are you alright," she asked

"Shhhhh," he said " lie down"
As he sunk his teeth into her sweet private area.

Jake pov

Did he hear her correctly, she loved him, it made his heart skip.

But he couldn't love her back
He didn't want to hurt her
Gosh, he didn't deserve Efe, she was too innocent to be dragged into this mess.

How would he bring himself to explain to his parents that he had fallen in love with a black woman.

And in that moment Jake felt a tear slide from his eyes. He realized the truth that he had been trying to suppress all this while.

He loved Efe

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