Chapter 8

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"You need to stop crying and tell me what happened, you haven't been eating well at all, I'm worried, what's wrong," Kelly said to her with a slight frown forming on her face.

It had been a week since Jake, and she couldn't bring herself to get over what had happened.
She tried to confide in her friend Ebere but she couldn't. Kelly had been by her side, worried sick about her because she couldn't eat or attend classes more.

"Can I confide in you kelly?" she asked
"Go ahead I'm all ears" kelly replied and in that instant, she poured out her mind to Kelly, from the day they met, to the day they had sex.
She poured out her mind sobbing at that point.
"It's okay honey, don't cry okay, I'm gonna talk to him" Kelly reassured her

"No I don't think you should, I'm the one to be blamed for everything, I let my heart lead me instead of my head, I'm the one to be blamed kelly," she said in between sobs

"Stop blaming yourself and come here," kelly told her as they both laid down to sleep.. With Kelly's arms around her comforting her.

Jake's POV

"You are a jerk you hear me" he heard kelly say as she barged into his room with her hands in the air. "How could you do that to her, you went too far Jake, too far. I mean she's so innocent, why would you take away her virginity to spite her, I knew you were a jerk but I never knew it was up to this extent." kelly said fuming in rage.

"It's not what you think Kelly, chill," he said with a frown forming on his handsome face. "What did she tell you?"

It's not about what she fucking told me, why did you do this to her" kelly asked

" Do what exactly, I believe every issue I've got with Efe is our business and does not in any way concern you, I'll sort it out" he said crossing over to the other side of the room to sit down.

"Oh you better do," Kelly said and stomped out of the room in anger.

Jake sat down his hands rubbing his forehead as he thought about Efe, he hadn't been able to think straight for the past one week, he couldn't even bring himself to see Mila that day, he had avoided her since then like a plague.

He was a jerk he had to admit it but he felt something for Efe, what was it, why did his heart tug painfully when he imagined her with someone else, why couldn't he look at another woman the same way he looked at her.

He was surprised when he realized she was an inexperienced girl, he was pretty sure she was up to 18 maybe 19 or even 20. The signs were all there, the way she shuddered when they kissed, her body vibrating. But he chose to ignore those signs.

He wondered what his mum and dad would say if they did find out that he had been screwing a negro,

"Fuck" he said as he slammed his fist into the wall

He needed to see her again, he had to apologize at least.
That was what he was going to do, apologize.

Two days later

Efe was at the restaurant opposite her favorite bookshop, she had come to buy some books and decided to grab lunch from the restaurant opposite the shop.

"I need a Bacon cheeseburger and a strawberry milkshake" she told the waitress.

" coming right up," the waitress said as she went away to get the order.
Efe relaxed into the chair, it was 3 pm and she felt very sleepy.

" Uhm Hi is this seat taken" she heard someone say as she raised her head to see who that was.
"No, it isn't, you can go ahead and have a seat," she said as she gave a fake smile
"Thank you," the stranger said "I'm Darren, I attend the university here and I assume you do, right," he said with a wide smile on his face.

" nice to meet you, Darren, I'm Efe, yeah I do," she replied bringing her hand to shake his outstretched one.
He was tall, looked mixed, and had a nice set of teeth which she noticed.

"Here you go," the waitress said as she placed Efe's order on the table.
Efe quickly munched her food as she was in a haste to leave, while she noticed the stranger opposite her was ordering his.

" So what's your major" she heard Darren ask
" Public Health" she replied.. Not wanting to sound rude she added "And you?"

"Architecture," he said

"That's nice," she said

" So does an apple a day keep the doctor away," he said smiling

" well only if you aim it well" Efe replied and they both burst out laughing.

"So this is what you do right, Entertain other men" A voice she could recognize even in her sleep came from behind her and she turned her head in that direction.

Not this bastard
She thought

"Jake," she said, a frown already forming on her beautiful face.

"Pack your things and let's leave here" he said his eyes on Darren the whole time.

"Why, what do you want" she said as she shook her head in disbelief

" we need to talk," and then he grabbed her purse and her hand and pulled her away from the table as they both made their way out of the diner.

Last she saw of Darren.. He had his mouth opened..

Poor guy 
She thought as she left

"What the fuck do you want from me Jake," she said as he carried her to his car.

"Put on the goddamn seatbelt Efe," he said as he moved over to the driver's seat.
She put on her seat belt and watched him, he looked lean and she could swear that it had been a long time since he shaved.

She watched him relax his back to the driver's seat, his hand on his forehead

"I'm sorry Efe," he said...

Did she hear correctly or was her mind playing tricks on her.

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