Take my hand. (Prologue)

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(Lucy POV) 

I'm Lucy Kayfeld, I'm 17 years old and I study photography at college. 

I'm a huge fan of Asking Alexandria, I'm good at taking photos and videos whilst at gigs, last year I went on a tour for three months with a band called "North, East, South, fuck West." 

They were an awesome bunch of guys and a cool metal band, but recently broke up.

I live in London with my older brother, who's called Harry and his girlfriend called Lisa. We lost our parents when I was about 6 and he was 15. I get along with him loads, his girlfriend can be a  whore at times, but other than that, I love it here.

I would love to be able to travel the world though, the furthest place that I've travelled to was Scotland, with the band I toured with. 

I have long, light green hair. People would call the way I dress 'scene' but I don't like to label myself really. I love metal, but I do love my 80's glam rock bands more.

I pretty much keep myself to myself, I don't have many friends, the closest friend I have it called Kayla, but I don't call her a friend, she's just a person I get along with lots. She also loves Asking Alexandria. 

That's why I am going to be staying at her house tonight, because tomorrow morning we are heading to an Asking Alexandria signing, then gig. 

I'm super excited, even though I'm nervous at the same time. I'm obsessed with Ben Bruce, and I don't know how I'll be able to control myself around him. I'm a really shy person, so I can't imagine what it's going to be like actually meeting my hero. 

I also have a secret, it's a bad one. I cut myself a lot, I only have some cuts on my arms, but I mainly cut the top of my legs. I can't help it, whenever I'm sad, I just get the feeling to do it, it kind of cheers me up in a way. 

I get bullied quite a lot, mainly about the way I dress or music I listen to, but a lot of people know about my parents passing away when I was younger, so they use that against me. They say I'm 'mental' or 'not right in the head.' I hate it. I don't like getting attention from people, I'd much rather lock myself away and listen to music.

Music is what keeps me going really, without listening to music, I'd be so bored and I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I guess music is the other thing I can turn to when I'm down, instead of cutting myself all of the time.

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