Chapter One

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Friday 14th March

(Lucy POV)


"Oh my god Lucy! Ben just tweeted that he's finally here!" Kayla squeaked.

I did too.

We were in her bedroom in our pj's getting ready for tomorrow's gig. She lived with her mum in an apartment, but she would be on her own most of the time as her mum would travel away a lot. 

We were blasting Asking Alexandria whilst jumping on her double bed, laughing and singing along. 

"I'm so excited!" I screamed.

Kayla laughed and then screamed. "Me too, OH MY GOD!" 

We both jumped off of the bed and ran into the living room, getting some more snacks that we had left on the sofa earlier. 

We quickly ran back into the bedroom and sat on her bed, eating crisps and talking.

"What if we actually got to go backstage with them at the gig though?!" Kayla said.

I stopped eating, because I almost choked. "I'd fucking cry!" I spat out.

Kayla started laughing and then went back to eating. 

"I just hope that I don't look like a total idiot in front of them. Mainly Ben." I smiled.

Kayla grinned. "You'll look lovely, I'm sure. I hope I can get a hug from James, he's perfect." 

I smiled at her. 

She was completely obessed with James. She had everything from 'Avise la fin' even the boys clothing, she had signed posters and even one of his drum sticks from the last time she had seen them. She had her walls plastered with his face, she loved him so much. Just like I loved Ben.

I felt the buttflies in my stomach, it hit me again. We were actually going to be able to meet our inspirations. 

"Oh my god. I don't know what I'm going to wear." Kayla said, getting up and walking over to her wardrobe. I remained sitting on her bed, munching away at the crisps. 

She was looking inside, throwing clothes out and mumbling something to herself. 

"Aha!" She said, pulling back and turning to me.

She held an Avise la fin shirt up and some denim shorts. 

"I'm defo wearing this tomorrow, I'll do my hair and make-up really nice too and wear some fishnet tights with my black Doc Martens." She smiled.

I smiled and nodded at her, feeling quite jealous.

I wished that I could wear stuff like that again, but I wouldn't be able to. All of the scars on my legs are so horrible, if ever they had been shown to the public, or Ben Bruce. I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Kayla made me jealous a lot though. She had perfect bright pink hair, she looked stunning even without make-up on. Her figure was beautiful, she had piercings and natural long nails. She had the dream boyfriend that I would love to have. She had everything. 

I sighed a little, looking down at the floor, I just kind of wanted to go to sleep now. I knew it was totally early, but I was so sleepy and fed up. 

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