Chapter Eleven

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Four months later...

London UK. Saturday night - 9PM

(Lucy POV)

I was hanging in the house tonight, as my brother and his girlfriend had gone out for the day and they were staying in a hotel in Birmingham. 

I was all alone again, feeling sad. 

I really missed Ben, we had been speaking on and off over the last few months, he was busy and so was I, plus he was in America and it costed too much to constantly text him. 

I also knew he was probably with different girls, being kissed and fucked almost every night. He had a rockstar life, of course he wouldn't be sulking over me still. Like I was sulking over him. 

I never slept properly, I would lie awake and think about him, think about us kissing and him holding me close. 

It didn't help though with the posters of him I still had hanging around my room, I just loved the posters, they made me happy at times. 

I was blasting Asking Alexandria, mostly waiting for Ben's part in Dear Insanity and Not the american average. I loved his voice.

I smiled, singing along. 

All of a sudden, my doorbell rang. 

"Who the fuck rings the doorbell at this time of night?" I muttered to myself whilst getting up from my bed. 

(James POV)



We had been back in the states for almost two months now, doing some shows and having time off inbetween.

Ben hadn't been himself at all though, not since he had left Liverpool, leaving Lucy also.

Normally he'd be joining in on the jokes, drinking and partying. But he just seemed to turn everything down, at one point on the UK tour, he didn't eat for a full week, he didn't want to, he never felt like eating.

After all the years I had known Ben, and I had known him for a long while now, I had been there through everything with Ben, many girls, he would normally move along and get another girl. But now he wasn't at all in the mood.

He'd sit in silence, eat in silence, even watch funny things on TV in silence. The shows we played, he had the most plain face ever, normally he'd be headbanging, running around the stage, pulling his tongue out at fans, smiling and laughing. 

But now he'd just stand in one spot for the entire show, the most bored looking face, he would just let Danny sing his parts in songs. He never wanted to do anything. 

Today, we were hanging in a hotel, we all had seperate rooms, but the whole floor was all for us and our crew, it was amazing really. 

Everyone was walking in and out of each others rooms, playing pranks. But Ben would keep his door locked, with him inside. He'd just listen to his headphones and play some guitar, write lyrics or sometimes tweet. 

A lot of depressing tweets though, today's one was. 

@BenAfuckingA: "My world is torn apart without her in my life each day. I miss her so fucking much, I just can't explain it." 

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