Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Author Note: Hi, sorry I never updated yesterday. I've been getting bullied quite a lot lately at school and yesterday I got attacked. So obviously I wasn't in the mood to be updating anything. But I'm okay now, I've broke up from school for two weeks and yeah, I'm ready to begin writing again.


Later On...

(Lucy POV)

I walked into the living room section of the bus, finally. I'd been hiding almost all day away from everyone except Ben. I just wasn't in the mood to be talking to them yet.

Sam and Cameron were talking on the sofa whilst texting, Ben was talking to the driver in the front of the bus, Danny was standing at the dining table, eating an apple and talking to James who was eating a sandwich.

They all looked in my direction, turning serious.

I just carried on, minding my own business. I picked my laptop up and sat down on the seperate sofa on the other side of Cameron and Sam. I logged on and started updating my blog again.

(Danny POV)

Lucy was sitting in the room with us, typing on her laptop. Everyone went silent, except Ben as he didn't realise that she'd walked out of the bunk room.

I made a coughing sort of sound so I'd get some attention. But Lucy payed no attention, so I spoke. 

"Lucy?" I asked her.

She stopped typing and looked at me, looking kind of annoyed still, I couldn't blame her though really, I'd always been an ass to her, and last night made me seem even worse.

"Can I please speak to you in private a second?" I asked, as she didn't really respond.

She nodded, saved whatever thing she was working on, then she stood up and followed me into the bunk room to talk. 

"Yeah?" She finally spoke.

"I'm sorry about everything, since the first time we met, I've been an ass to you. I regret what happened last night, completely. I don't like upsetting girls, and especially not ones my best friend is in love with. I didn't know it was you. Like, Lucy, Lucy." I said.

She laughed at the last part. "Lucy Lucy?" 

I nodded and grinned. "I make no sense, but at the same time I do. That's why you secretly love me, who doesn't?" 

She smiled. "Fine Danny. Your apology is accepted." She then walked past me, but before she went back into the living room, she turned to me. "By the way, you need to work on your apologies." 

I laughed. "Deal."

Two Hours Later...

(Ben POV)

I was holding Lucy's hand and walking. We were in our next state now, but we had the rest of the day off been as the show was tomorrow night.

"Are you two dating?" Danny asked us.

I looked at Lucy and she looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and blushed. 

I smiled and winked at Danny. Danny laughed and carried on walking too.

We were all heading to a restaraunt, as we were fed up of eating cold foods on the bus. We wanted hot and good food. 

We got to a place and went inside, it seemed nice enough, we were seated, ordered our meals, then we started eating when they arrived.

"Who's up for a booze crawl tonight then?" Cameron asked.

Everyone smiled. Lucy shouted. "FUCK YES."

Lucy then went bright red as she realized who she was with. I nudged her, she looked at me and gave me a look as if to ask 'what?' 

"I didn't know you was much of a drinker." I said to her.

She nodded taking another bite of food. "That's because I was a good girl back then. Now I can drink like a fucking fuel tank." 

I started laughing and then James said. "I bet you can't last the whole night with us lads, we drink until we pass out." 

She scoffed. "Please, I drink until I pass out, then I drink some more. AS I'M PASSED OUT."

James laughed. "That's not possible."

"Anything is possible dude." She winked.

I laughed. She was much more happier than she used to be, I was kind of worried about her though, as she wouldn't drink much, after what happened to her parents all those years ago. But I guess she grew up and decided she couldn't not have fun for the whole of her life.


(Lucy POV)

I looked at my reflection and grinned.

I had leather trousers on, black high heels, a black tank top with 'Warrant' in green print. My hair was straight and teased. I had thick eye liner on, black eye shadow, red lipstick and I had my nose ring in.

My tattoo sleeves were on show and I felt quite confident about tonight.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room to join the boys. It was only us lot on the bus, as everyone else who shared the bus with us had booked a hotel room for the night. 

"Woah." Danny said.

I stopped and blushed. "What?" 

"You look...fucking sexy. And that Warrant t-shirt makes me happy." He said. 

I laughed.

Ben walked up from behind me, and slapped my ass. I gasped and turned. "Ben!" I screamed.

He started laughing so much, I couldn't help but smirk at him. He stopped and looked me up and down. "Beautiful." 

I hugged him. "I know you are." I whispered.

"Right, love birds. Let's go now, I want to see if Lucy can actually live up to her word of being a good drinker." James said.

I grinned. "I will you pussy! I'll beat you all." 

They laughed, then we headed out and into the city.


(Ben POV)

We were in a rock bar, drinking like it was the end of the world. 

Lucy was the only one out of the others who wasn't drunk, I guess she won the bet, as she had drank even more than them.

She came and sat next to me, cuddling closer. "What's up? You seem down tonight." She asked me.

I shook my head. "Nothing. I just don't feel like drinking really."

She nodded. "Fair enough." 

I looked right into her eyes and kissed her cheek. She smiled and kissed my nose. 

I wasn't okay actually, I was worried about lots of things, but mainly losing her. That's all I worried about, next week we were going back to LA for a show or two, which would mean seeing the girl I've been dating on and off for the last year or so.

It was going to be so awkward.

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