12. Bullying

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Harry was outside enjoying the sun after dinner by the Black Lake, Otiz was playing in the water along with Sora when Hermione came up behind him hitting him which made him hit his head on the tree he was leaning against.

"Ow!" he rubbed his head but he knew he was going to have to see Poppy about it just to be on the safe side.

"Oh can it Harry you know you need to follow the Headmaster and I don't mean that fake that is here like the other four idiots that claim to be the Founders, they are dead and no one can come back from the bloody well dead" she shoved him again harder than before making his gasp out in pain.

"Oh shut up that didn't hurt, you're just being a whimp if only you had listened to Headmaster Dumbledore you wouldn't be like this! you should be with your relatives they are the best thing that could of happened to you and you blew it by being with Snape of all things!" she again shoved him again this time making him hit his head on a rock.

She stopped as Otiz and Sora came over after they had managed to break the spell that Hermione put on them and Otiz brought her to the ground and growled at her Sora followed suit mind you it sounded like an angry kitten as he was still a kit and not fully grown.

"Don't touch Hadrian again!" growled Otiz to her he was so pissed, he jumped in surprise when she started screaming about him attacking her.

"Help help this thing is attacking me, help!" she started with the crocodile tears which made everyone close to them come running.

She had tears in her eyes and Umbridge was shocked that a familiar was 'attacking' another student she hadn't even looked to see if Harry was ok as he was bleeding from his head.

"O'iz Haddy gots owie" said Sora sitting by Harry a tiny paw on his shoulder, "gotsa get him oo Poppy".

"Damn it!" he got off Hermione and changed form picking up Harry and Sora and ran to the Hospital Wing.

"He he attacked me for now reason Madam Umbridge, I went to check Harry and he attacked me" said Hermione as she cried into her hands close to Umbridge.

The toad was shocked that what she got told was a safe familiar had 'attacked' a student no less she was going to get to the bottom of all of this and fast.


In the Hospital Wing Poppy was seeing to Harry with two over protective parents and four over protective Founders.

"Is he going to be ok Poppy?" asked Tom of all people.

"He's going to be fine Tom honest he will need a day rest but he will be fine just a bump and a cut to the head nothing to worry about at all" and she went off back to her office.

"I want to hex that girl good and proper!" said Otiz from under the bed.  


Hermione was loving this it had been a week and she was able to get out of detention each and every time and managed to get Harry in it with Umbridge she always used the excuse of poor Otiz attacking her or that Harry had hit her or something even with other people, students and staff alike saying it was her and not Harry, Umbridge didn't care she just wanted Otiz out of the way.

She had a job to do and she was going to do it, Dumbledore was going to be proud of her and hopefully she would paid as well, it hadn't been going well to be honest.

She was now making more plans on how to get Harry to obey Dumbles and quickly....

She was now sitting in Charms and had managed to sit by Harry who was now out of the Hospital Wing.

"Stay away from me Hermione please!" said Harry as he tried to do the spell, today was the Eradication Charm and he just wasn't getting it, it was most likely pronouncing it wrong as he had the wand movement but there was the Know-It-All smiling at him like a loon.

"Oh Harry, Harry, Harry you have everything wrong, now listen to me it's de-lee-TREE-us not de-LEE-tree-us, now repeat after me de-lee-TREE-us!" and it sent a spark up her arm making her drop her wand.

"Ouch that hurt, Professor this stupid spell rebounded on me!" her arm was in the air waving like mad, Fillius wasn't pleased but he had to act professional.

"Yes Miss Granger?"

"I cast the spell and it rebounded on me!"

"Show me"

"De-lee-Tree-us!" and she waved her wand in a circular motion only to have her wand flung out of her hand again.

"Miss Granger it's de-LEE-tree-us not de-lee-TREE-us no wonder you aren't getting it right" and he sighed he really was starting to hate the girl.

"But Harry told me it was that!"

"What no I didn't!" said Harry shocked by it all "I was having trouble saying the name so I was practicing saying it as well as wand movement before I put it altogether, you told me that it was de-lee-TREE-us but when I looked it was de-LEE-tree-us" he looked at Filius as he wasn't sure.

"15 points from Gryffindor for excusing of tampering when you know it to be false and detention with me tonight at 7pm, thank you Miss Granger" and he walked off.

"Harry James Potter you could of told me I was saying it wrong but no you had to say I did it, some friend you are!"

"We haven't been friends since you had a go at me for ending up in Slytherin Hermione! that was in second year, three years ago come on already!"

"No, if you of had followed Headmaster Dumbledore and not these fakes then everything would be alright but no you left your loving relatives and Snape adopted you behind his back, then you took him to court how could you!" she slapped Harry across the face leaving a bright red mark.

"HEY GRANGER! why in Merlin did you do that for?!" asked Draco as he went to check on Harry.

"He should listen to Headmaster Dumbledore that's all" and she walked out of the lesson not caring that it wasn't over.

She headed up to Umbridge's office knowing that the woman had no lesson at the moment and knocked on the door only to have a sickly sweet voice answer.

"Come in" which Hermione did and turned on the water works.

"Professor, Professor help Harry Potter is bullying me with his pet that we both know he isn't allowed to have in school but those fakes *cries* keep bullying me!"

"Oh come now dear it will be alright I will get the Minister on this right away, we can't have bullying no can we, come come sit down and tell me more about it all" smiled Umbridge to her and so Hemione did just that she told a bunch of lies to the toad and how she passed the bullying from her to Harry making her look like the victim in all of it all.

"Well we can't have a bully in the school can we and a student not following the rules tisk tisk, he will just have to have detention with me until he learns his lesson" and she smiled she was going to prove to everyone that Harry James Potter was nothing but a menace and the only way do deal with him was through the Ministry.

"Thank you for listening Professor I am truly grateful for it as none of the other Professors will listen to me about the bullying that he's doing to me, he even got Professor Snape to take him from his own family saying he was abused and that fake of a Headmaster let it happen as well!" she again cried crocodile tears.

"Well now he will just have to go back to his family at Christmas, don't worry my dear child he will go back to where he belongs I promise you that, now run along it will be dinner soon" and Hermione left and Umbridge was left to her scheming.

"Well now it seems young Mr Potter is in big trouble for not following the rules of the school as well as the ones set by the Ministry, we will have to change that wont we" and she looked at the places all around the wall with cat within meowing.

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