16. The Tantrum of one Albus Dumbledore

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Dumbledore has called his 'Order' to get an update on everything that was going on within Hogwarts and as he waited for the idiots that had replaced his beloved Order of the Phoenix that was generously being paid for via all the order members of:

*Severus Snape via the Prince vaults without telling the man that he was in fact Lord Prince as his granfather may of disowned his own daughter but he never did with his grandson.
*Minerva McGonnagal via her pay check to be honest she was on a slightly less wage of the others but she didn't know.
*Sirius Black via the Black vaults he did manage to get the boy into Gryffindor even though he was a Slytherin.
*Remus Lupin well he did dock most of his wages from when he was a teacher but still gave him just enough to live on.
*Kingsley Shacklebolt this was via being an Auror and the man didn't realise that his very own wages were being docked.
*Alastor Moody well the man was clearly nuts and vey paranoid anyway so... he couldn't give two high hoters to be honest even if they were 'friends'.
*The Weasley's well that was a fun story behind that and they always wondered by poor insignificant Arthur hadn't progresses beyond where he was and why they were so poor well again that was down to him and his 'wonderful' planning.
*The Potters ah yes the Potter's a shame really when you think about it, he had set Tom up to kill all three of them and he couldn't do that, but he had hold of the vaults which pleased him none the less.

Just to name a few of them to be honest, those were the ones that gave him his 'pay' or so he thought as far as he knew he had all of them but to be honest as he was found out what he had been doing everyone checked their payslips and found out the truth and so the goblins managed to get most of it back, most of it went back to Sirius and Harry as they had lost the most.

As he was thinking about all of this an owl dropped a paper on his head was well as droppings and flew off.

"Blasted things, if we didn't need them I would fry the damn things!"  and he opened the paper only to scream.

"Blasted idiots the lot of them! how can they of gotten the whole damn thing wrong? they were meant to release the 'Death Eaters' that he put there for a bloody good reason now they weren't there and they got pardoned for it all! this was all the boys fault as well as Severus and Tom's! they were going to pay dearly for this.

((Mass Outbreak of Azkaban and Truth Revealed?!

by Rhiem Reiido

You heard it from me folks of the Great British Isles, there had been a massive outbreak of our high security prison known to man! Azkaban had been broken into of all things!

The outbreak happened would you believe it or not Halloween of all things? what is the world coming to if things like this keep happening on the 31st October.

How you ask no one knows we have just heard about this ourselves at the Daily Prophet, it appears that someone or something attacked the side of the prison with over powered Bombarda Maxima spell, you heard it here yes the Blasting Curst was used but for what reason could someone want break into the prison and not out?

We all know that the 'Death Eaters' are no more since that fateful night of 1981 when He-Shall-Not-Be-Named killed the Potter's and left Hadrian Jameson Severus Snape back then Harry James Potter an orphan at the tender age of only fifteen months old.

Thanks to Headmaster Tomas Malakai Sötétség, Headmaster of Hogwarts and Hungarian Lawyer; had petitioned for them to be all retrialed under Veritaserum and it turned out that most of the so called 'Death Eaters' were under many potions and charms to make them commit their horrendous crimes that they were sentenced for.

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