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ok here is the problem I have the triplets need names and i have managed to get two so far but the last triplet doesn't have a name as of yet

Triplet 1
Cassiopeia Hope Black-Lupin

Triplet 2
Cygnus Orion Regulus Black-Lupin

Triple 3
.............. Lyall/Faith Black-Lupin

I need a constellation name but I beginning with C for a male or female but I dont know what I should choose

if a girl it will be

Carina Faith

if a boy it will be

1. Caelum

2. Cepheus

3. Corvus 


Here are the names for Severus and Tom's twins

1. Calista 'Lizzie' Lilly Eileen Snape

2 Azreal 'Azzie' Regulus Marvolo Snape


I want to say a massive thank you for keeping with me through these three books so far and I am so happy that you all love them as much as I do!

This is now the end of book 3 in the five book series of my take on Harry Potter and I try to stick as close as possible to the books/films .

I never thought it would go this far and I think 4 years since I started it all back when I took over the first ever 6 chapters from the original author .........

Thank you so much again and we will see you in book 4

signing off for now

Sumire and Otiz


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