7. Detention part 1

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It was now six o'clock and Hermione was heading up to the Defence classroom for her detention which in her eyes she hadn't earned one bit to be honest it was all Harry's fault if he would just admit that the fake Headmaster was Voldemort and that he should be killed as well as follow Dumbledore, get Ron and Ginny back into school everything would be alright!

But no the idiot was telling lies and she, she Hermione Jean Granger smartest witch of her generation was in detention for something that idiot should be doing!

Ugh it was so annoying all he had to do was admit it all but no, he would rather play house with Death Eaters of all things! 

How was she going to explain this to Dumbledore and the 'Order', she had no clue, it was the only time that she got to see Ron and Ginny, oh how she missed them she really did, she just wanted to have everything the way it was and that Harry would follow the plans set before him that the great Albus Dumbledore!

She knocked on the office door and waited to be called in.

"Enter" said a sickly sweet voice, to which Hermione entered the office.

It was pink, pink, pink! Merlin she hated the colour, she thought that Umbridge was just wearing the colour for today but it looks like the whole pink was what she wanted and so she would deal with it, she hoped that this would be her first and last detention.

"Welcome Miss Granger, please do sit, you will be doing lines for me today is that ok?".

She did at the little table in front of the table that Umbridge was using, she started to get her ink out but was stopped by Umbridge.

"No no Miss Granger you will be using one of my own quills don't worry" and she got a sickly sweet smile on her face which would make anyone's skin crawl but for some reason it didn't make Hermione's, strange.

"I don't have any ink professor" said said.

"Don't worry dear this is a self inking quill no need for ink, you will be writing 'I must not tell lies'"

"How many times professor?"

"Until it sinks in dear, you may being now I have Mister Snape here in an hour so best foot forward as they say" she watched closely as Hermione started to write the first sentence.

At first it felt like pin pricks like goose bumps on the back of her hand and at first she didn't pay attention to it until it felt like a stabbing on it making her drop the quill and then looked at Umbridge in shock and then back at her hand, the damn words were carved into her bloody well hand!

Hermione jumped up annoyed as hell!

"You can't do this! this is torture on a student! you are vile!" said Hermione trying to get into her face but Umbridge just smiled sweetly at her.

"I don't know what you are on about my dear, I see nothing wrong with your hand you may go now but you still have detention with me for the next few weeks please make sure that you come I don't want you to end up with more" and she placed her flowery tea cup down smiling all the more.

"Please come again tomorrow at six like tonight, you may go".

"What about my god damn hand! I am not leaving until you heal it!" screamed Hermione as she thrust her hand into Umbridge's face toad like face.

"Miss Granger please I see nothing wrong with your hand if you are that worried so and see Madam Pomfrey now leave I have other detentions" said Umbridge rising from her seat to glare down at the girl.

"Fine but I am telling Headmaster Dumbledore about this!" and she went to leave but was stopped once more.

"Dumbledore really last I heard was that he lost his job and that Headmaster Sötétség is in charge, he is the best that this school has had in a long time and the Ministry is happy for once but the ones claiming to be the Founders that is a different story, no out" and she practically pushed her out of the room as poor Harry was about to knock on the door.

"Sorry Professor I didn't know you had something with you, I'm here for my detention" said Harry shyly as he stepped away from the two females backing into Otiz who growled at Hermione more so than Umbridge as he didn't know much about the pink toad monstrosity. 

"Quite alright Mr. Snape, Miss Granger is just leaving for the night please head into my office and sit down at the small desk for me but leave that thing outside please I don't trust it" and she gave Harry a sweet smile but unlike Hermione it was a smile of dread, this made the hairs on the back of his neck prickle.

"Ok Professor" and he headed in.

Umbridge pinned a glare at Hermione smiling sweetly if you could call a glare sweet.

"Even if you told anyone what happened here they wouldn't believe you as I am under the Ministry and the Ministry is the law, now go and be here for your detention tomorrow night" and she closed the door on Hermione so then she could start on Harry.

"That low some, vile, evil toad of a witch! no one will believe me ha! I'm the brightest witch of this generation I will be believed" she huffed and went to find a teacher and the first one she found was Minerva.

"Professor a word please" said Hermione.

"Very well Miss Granger what can I do for you?" said Minerva who sighed she didn't want to deal with Hermione of all people but as Deputy Headmistress and Head of House she had to do her job and deal with Hermione.

They headed to her office Minerva headed for her desk while Hermione took the seat in front.

"What can I do for you Miss Granger?"

"That vile teacher, Professor Umbridge made me write with a quill of hers and it hurt me! I want you to do something right now! I demand you do something! look at my hand for Merlin's sake!" she thrust her hand under Minerva's nose which made the older witch almost fall out of her chair.

Taking a good five minutes to recover and could to a hundred she looked back to the fifth year in front of her, she took hold of Hermione's hand to inspect it, she twisted this way and that way to see anything which she didn't.

"Miss Granger there is nothing there on your hand no please leave, if I can give you any type of advice it is too keep your head down and say nothing, no please kindly leave as I have marking to finish before tomorrow good night".

"Professor please listen to me I was using something that was carving 'I must not tell lies' into my hand! you have to listen to me! I am the brightest witch of my generation Professor Dumbledore said so and I believe him, he did nothing wrong that fake needs to leave! I demand something to be done right away!" she screamed at Minerva who sighed at her.

"Miss Granger leave my office now, you have detention with me tomorrow right after our class tomorrow and you will be serving it you hear now head to the common room" and she turned away to finish her marking.

"But Professor!"

"Leave Miss Granger now"

Hermione huffed out of the office "it's all Harry's fault, everything is his fault!" and she stormed off to the Gryffindor Tower and to her dorm room screaming at anyone and everyone that came near her. 

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