24. Family Meetings It Seems To Be Part 2

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"Welcome everyone to Prince Manor please make yourself at home will you and Bartemius please let got of Hadrian I think his familiar might bite you if you don't" said Tom.

"Fine but you will be pranked for this later" and he let Harry go but he stayed close to the man as he was surrounded by nothing but Death Eaters even if his family and friends were he was feeling very self conscious about the whole thing.

Bella out right laughed at it all she found the whole thing funny and she was so going to join Barty in whatever he was playing but first things first she looked at the hands being held.

"So it was true I didn't believe Cissa when she told me about you two marrying!" she exclaimed t the others in the room, yes she was happy for them but she would of liked if it was her by his side but as it was Severus and he was a Death Eater she kind of let it slide somewhat at leas tfor the time being that was.

"Yes it is we have been married for a year now and Hadrian was adopted by Severus when he was in his second year but enough of my personal life I have called you all here to announce that I will not be talking over the Wizarding World via a meaningless war that is something Dumbledore is doing on his own due to his cock up as I will blatantly call it" he sighed and made everyone look on wondering why he had changed.

"I had spent the first damn years after Harry Potter defeated me back in 1981 that dreadful Halloween night I will tell you more as we sit down this is much more important then for us to keep standing" he headed to the long table that had been set up just do just that, he sat at the head of the table Severus on the right hand size as that was his place as spouse and Lucius went to take the left when Tom looked at him and let Harry join on the left as that was where the Heir of the family would go.

"Well onto the story it seems..." he sipped his wine smiling which was a first that only the Malfoy family had ever seen "..nice vintage well to the story as you all know Harry James Potter killed me that Halloween night after I asked Lilly Potter to move aside three times... why three I do not know.

I was turned into a vapour if you will a sliver of my very own soul fled to Albania where I lived until I grew strong enough to create my own body with help of course but I will not tell you how and who helped me that is information that I will not disclose on as it's my own personal business.

Once my body was back it took another six god forsaken years for me even to move about without throwing up or bloody falling over it was annoying if you ask me but the person who helped me brought me to Hungry and found out that I was intellectual and they taught me everything that I needed and found that with some practice and some lessons I could become a lawyer and that was what I did, mind you I'm not happy that none of you even bothered to look for me or had some of the lower ranks look for me but as you all ended up in Azkaban I now know..." he sighed at them making them wonder if they would get curse this was scaring them.

"... I became a famous lawyer in Hungry and I changed my name as my birth name just wouldn't work and well Voldemort that was a hated name anywhere and so I went with Tomas Marvolo Sötétség which is Tom Marvolo Darkness which in my case worked out for me.

I was called in to help with the trial of Hadrian and Severus as Dumbledore tried to talk our son from him after he was rescued at the beginning of his second year in Hogwarts, Dumbledore wanted him to stay with his abusive relatives but it took much of the rest of that summer and into at least the middle of the school year to get him healed somewhat he is still going to Mind Healer appointments.

Lets say that during the trial a bunch of lies came up and Severus was given full custody of him mind you it was a shame of a trial as Severus already filed everything back then and even asked our very own Malfoy's to be his godparents we didn't think that both boys would fall for each other that is" and he laughed scaring everyone.

"Where was the boy beforehand my Lord?" asked Rabastan to them only to have Harry look over at him and with a squeeze from Tom he finally told them.

"I was raised by my relatives and was treated worse than a house elf if you can believe that, I was living in a cupboard under the stairs for the ten years that I was there, I don't want to talk about what they did to me but lets say you were treated kindly in Azkaban..." this made the former Death Eaters look at him in shocked the fifteen year old sitting there was treated worse than they were! what the hell!

"Oh you poor baby!" said Bella as she got up and hugged Harry tightly "I'll look after you don't worry just tell your auntie Bella what I can do to help you" she hugged him tighter.

"Help!" said Harry starting to panic with it all, she stopped when Otiz changed form and grabbed her hand.

"Let go of him woman, he's not used to stuff like this, it has taken Severus since his second year to hug and touch him without a panic attack happening and no one touch him or I will retaliate and don't think I can't I am Hadrian's familiar I am what is known as a Kitsune a Japanese demon but worse still is that I am two very powerful demons rolled into one but I won't tell you what though" and he smiled which scared even Bella.

"Awesome animal there boy" said Icaba Nott which made Harry flinch at the word 'boy' he hated that word.

"Nott enough already stop trying to get up my arse already, I won't have anyone treating my family as dirt and if you don't like it I can return you to Azkaban or I can wipe your memories of ever being a Death Eater" said Tom, his blue eyes flashing to red for a moment which made Nott scared.

"I won't curse you, you idiot that was what Dumbledore made me do as I found out I, yes me the one once known as Voldemort was under the Imperius since I was but a child by the one and only Albus Dumbledore, he had me under it from about the age of five when my magic got even more powerful and it was thanks to Harry Potter "killing" me that I was able to get rid of it and finally started to live my life, if you call the past fourteen years a life" he sighed to them al.

"I can get rid of them" he said making them all look up at him and what they saw was a man that had lived to many lives, someone who just wanted peace at last and he was getting it even if it was slowly everyone here were ones that he trusted the most.

"My Lord what can you get rid off" said Rockwood to them.

"The marks"

"But without them no one will know that we are Death Eaters my Lord" screamed Dolohov to him.

"I know"

"Why do you want to do that? we are meant to be feared! we are stronger and more powerful and everyone fears us!" said Nott and he was the one that annoyed Tom more than anything.


"I don't want to be your Lord anymore I want to be Tomas Sötétség that is who I am now Lord of Slytherin husband to Severus Snape and father to Hadrian Snape that is who I am now and whoever wants my mark of their arms come here now and I will do it".

Everyone besides Dolohov and Nott stepped forward to have the mark removed each one crying out in excruciating pain it was even worse than having it placed there and six men and one woman had their marks removed.

"Papa is dad going to be fine?" asked Harry as he was now sitting in Otiz' lap scared to Tom's out burst that he had, even at fifteen he hated shouting at the best of times and it was all thanks to blasted Dumbledore!

"Your father will be fine as well as the others but before we can continue..." he pulled his wand on Dolohov and Nott and said the incantation 'Obliviate' making sure that he took their memories of the meeting and placed them with new ones and let the house elf dropped them back at home for good measure.

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