19. Black Horses?! Just What Are They

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Harry and his friends were outside enjoying the over cast day, it was meant to rain later so they thought to walk about for the time being plus to get away from Umbridge to say the least, they had all left the school at different times so then they weren't caught by her as her new rule was that they weren't allowed to meet up if there was three or more of them, in the common room they couldn't help but outside of them they were fair game in her book at least Harry and his friends were.

She has even taken to insulting him and trying to get the stupid Minister to take Otiz away but with Tom and Severus stating that he was a familiar had backed down somewhat but Umbridge was still adamant that he was removed as he wasn't approved by the Ministry and so he was meant to go in her eyes and she was going to make it happen.

The group of friends met by the Black Lake all wrapped in their warmer cloaks, Otiz had a Slytherin hat and scarf on just because and they admitted it clashed with his blue fur of all things making them laugh.

"Well at least she can't get us out here for meeting up, as we 'didn't' know you are out here" said Blaise sitting down on the now damp grass.

"True she can't.... hopefully she can't" mumbled Harry to them as he held a puppy size Otiz in his arms.

As they walked they noticed Luna Lovegood of all people outside to which it looked like she was petting thin air but to Harry he could see a black horse of some sort but it had wings, just what was it?!

It was a black horse of some sort but it looked like it was just skin and bones but what made it even more creepy looking was that it had a pair of bat wings as well, just what in the hell was it?!

The group laughed but one look at Harry they thought better of it all knowing his past from the time he had lost his parents that fateful night to his time with the Dursleys and how he was treated they learnt not to hurt his feelings his magic was powerful and dangerous when it lashed out but an upset Harry was complete murder as he would ignore just about anyone and would starve himself to punish himself for unknown reasons.

Harry walked up to Luna wondering just what they were and reached out his hand holding Otiz in one arm his back legs by his own hips he didn't seem to care about it as he was comfortable in Harry's arms, plus he just couldn't be ask to walk being carried was more fun.

"What are they?" he asked as he got closer to the airy Ravenclaw.

"These Harry Potter, oh sorry it's Hadrian Snape isn't it, are Thestral's it is said that only one that has seen someone die can see them, funny right?" said Luna as she kept petting the Thestral calmly.

"I haven't seen someone die, at least I don't think so" he looked over to his friends as they explored their surroundings, it looked like they were ignoring him and Luna so they could talk but in fact they were truly listening to what was being said.

"Really Hadrian Snape nothing you can think of?" she asked casting her pale blue eyes towards his bright green ones, she came forward and took Otiz from him petting him. 

"No I don't think so Luna" he thought for a bit, "my parents!"

"There we go Hadrian, you may of just been but a babe but it's what you have been given another gift to add to the many others you have, well I must be off, it was nice talking to you it was like having friends" and she left after giving Otiz back to him.

"She nice, I wike her" he said cutely as he was still the size of a baby kit.

"She is and has always been to me at least that is" said Harry as he watched her go.

"I hope you haven't been flirting with her Hads you know we are an item already" laughed Draco putting his arm around the much smaller boy, when was he going to have a growth spurt they never knew.

"No just talking about why I can see these animals, they are Thestral's well that's what Luna said at least".

"And you believe Looney Lovegood Hadrian" said Theo coming over holding some plants that he was going to try and grow he might just as Neville to help him with that task at least.

"Yeah said that only those who have seen death can see them, I'll show you a picture if I'm able to find on that is in a book, if not I'm not sure".

"Come on lets head back into the torture of Umbitch has created in the once loved castle" said Blaise making them somewhat smile at this at least it was mainly at the name he had called the woman it was either that or The Toad which always made them laugh, they headed back as a group which had Umbridge waiting for them to say the least.

"Hem hem you are going against the rules no more than two people to a group at any time detention boys and girls, the group groaned knowing that the six of them were now in trouble, they didn't miss Hermione, Sarah and Pansy somewhat laughing at them from behind the woman.

"Sorry professor we didn't know we would find each other while we went out for a walk before it rains" said Daphne to the woman but said woman wasn't having any of it.

"Oh no deary you six will be in detention tonight right after dinner at 7pm, you broke my rules but also Ministry rules and each and everyone of you need to be punished" she smiled way too sweetly.

"Mr Snape will be having detention with me, while Misses Greengrass will be having it with Professor Snape and you three Mister's Malfoy, Zabini and Nott will be with having it with Mr Flitch all together, remember don not be late for another detention will happen now off you go" she watched the six friends leave and when they did the girls came out all wearing the Inquisitorial Squad badge.

"Thank you girls, those six are trouble I'll admit but I have my ways to get them to obey, now run along but remember to keep an eye on them for me and you won't get detention" and she smiled as the three left

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