"Find Someone You love..."

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Eddie woke up the next day with the blonde man still in his arms. His hesd was pounding and he was trying to piece together what had happened. It didn't take him long at all to figure out what they'd done. Especially since his back burned, his head was throbbing, and he was sticky from his mid-chest down. Buck looked like he was tired. Eddie ran his fingers through Buck's hair and stretched. He sat up, careful not to move in a way that would wake him up. He swung his legs to the side of the bed and stood up, stretching his back then headed to the bathroom for a much needed shower.

When he got out of the shower Buck was awake and walking around downstairs. "Good morninf sleeping beauty." Eddie said mocking Buck for sleeping so late.

Buck rolled his eyes, "It's your fauly I'm so tired."

Eddie laughed slightly, "Hey lets not forget who started this whole ordeal."

Buck flustered slightly. "Fine. Touchè."

Eddie walked over to him and wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him close and kissing him softly.

Buck didn't attempt to resist him and wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist and gently kissed him back.

Eddie smiled at Buck, breaking the kiss. "You know, you really do mean a lot to me, Buck."

Buck smiled back at him. "You do too."

And then they just stood there in each others embracing arms for a few moments. That is, until Eddie got a phone call that interupted the warm silence.

Eddie sighed and reached for his phone out of his pocket. "Sorry Buck, I gotts take this."

Buck let go of him and stepped back."No, its ok."

Eddie sighed, and smiled at him. "I'll see you at work?"

Buck nodded. "Yea, I'll see you then." He looked at the floor and remembered he was wearing Eddie's hoodie. "Here. Let me give this back-"

Eddie smiled. "Keep it."

"But- its- its got your name on it. People will know its yours."

Eddie walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thats fine with me." And then he grabbed his keys and walked out.

It was a few minutes later and Eddie was walking into his own house. He looked around for Ana and found her sitting in the kitchen with Christopher.

"Hey Ana." He said as he walked into the kitchen, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him, "Eddie. Where were you? We were worried."

Eddie sighed. He should've come home and he knew that, but he couldn't just leave Buck after all that they did that night. "I'm sorry Ana. I was at Buck's house."

She sighed and shrugged his hand off her shoulder. "Is that the truth? Were you really there? Nothing else? I know you went out drinking. I’ll try my best to stay calm. I just need to know Eddie.” 

Eddie sighed, looking to the ground. “It is the truth, but there’s more to it.” He knew that he had to tell her, but part of him wanted to keep it hidden, to try and hide it, cover it up. After all, he was not only coming out to her, but coming out to her by telling her he cheated on her with another man. 

She looked at him, searching for eye contact, which she didn’t find. Eddie looked ashamed of himself. “Go on then, what did you do?” 

Eddie sighed again and then the words tumbled out of his mouth faster than he could stop them, “We got drunk and I-I slept with Buck.” He blushed, embarrassed. “I’m sorry.” 

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