"...You've been anticipating this all morning, haven't you?"

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The next day the two of them got up and headed to the firehouse, leaving Chris with Tk and Carlos.

Buck parked his Jeep and got out, walking around to the other side and opening Eddie's door for him. Eddie smiled and thanked him as he climbed out of the vehicle.

Eddie reached out and intertwined his fingers with Buck's. Buck couldn't help but smile.

The two walked into the fire station with their hands interlocked. It was only a moment before they came across Bobby who looked questioningly at the two.

"Since when are you two a thing?"

Hen walked up beside Bobby and laughed to herself, "They were making out at Eddie's place yesterday."

The two of them flushed slightly. Buck cleared his throat and looked at Bobby, "we've been dating for a few days now. And neither of us are ashamed of it so we figured why keep it hidden?"

Eddie nodded in agreement.

Bobby smiled at them, "well, congradulations you two. I was wondering when you'd get over just giving each other goo goo eyes all the time." Then he turned to Hen and reached out a hand.

Hen sighed and walked into the kitchen where she'd sat down her wallet. She reached in and gave Bobby the money she had bet against him.

Buck and Eddie walked into the lounge area and sat next to each other on the couch. Buck reached for his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through his morning notifications. Just things like the weather, tv show updates and things like that.

Eddie just sat there, looking gleefully at Buck. He couldn't help but wonder if he'd found the one. It was silly of him to think like that, he knew. Because they were young. But, on the other hand, he'd never loved anyone the way he loved Buck. He just thought, maybe that meant something.

Buck closed his phone and slid it into his pocket. He noticed Eddie smiling giddily at him and felt a smile spreading across his own face.

"What're you looking at, Eddie?"

"Just you, handsome, just you."

Buck blushed at the compliment and leaned in for a kiss.

Eddie of course wouldn't put up a fight and kissed Buck back without a second thought.

It was a gentle kiss. But they both loved it just the same. It felt like a sunset on a warm beach, with cool but not cold water around your feet, or to put it more simply, perfect. It was perfect.

Eddie pulled away first and smiled at the other man once again.

Buck smiled back and walked his way into the kitchen. Eddie hesitated, but followed behind him.

Buck was sitting on the counter now, drinking a cup.of plain white milk. Eddie despised white milk. Maybe he never liked it, come to think of it.

Eddie wasn't sure what he was doing in the kitchen, so he made his way back to the couch. No sooner than he had sat down the alarm went of, signaling that they were needed on a scene somewhere.

The lot of the 118 all climbed into the firetruck, Hen and Chimney trailing behind them in the ambulance. They were now on their way to resolve a minor despute in a grocery store. Bobby assumed he would more likely than not see Athena on the site.

Buck had delt with this kind of thing many times before and knew the firefighters were there to prevent them from harming each other, or anyone else. It was the paramedics jobs to deal with any injuries that were sustained, and the cops jobs to take them into custody.

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