Comepletely Sober

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The two of them slept in the hostipital bed together for the following three days until Buck was released from the hostpital. Buck was anxious to get home, he felt like he'd been here forever and it was suffocating him.

Eddie walked up behind Buck, wrapping his arms and his waist and setting his head on his shoulder. "Baby. Calm down ok? We're going home."

Buck blushed. He still wasn't quite used to Eddie calming him nicknames. He liked it, it just caught him offguard everytime. He nodded gently and then leaned his head against his, closing his eyes. "I know. I'm just so ready to get home and see Chris."

Eddie smiled at him. "Me too baby, me too." And he kissed Buck softly on his neck. It wasn't meant to be sexual, just sweet. But, Buck being Buck, he interpretated it otherwise. He smirked at Eddie, but glared at him in the same breath.

Eddie smirked back but stated, "I wasn't trying to start anything, Evan~"

Buck blushed again. "Does he have any idea how hot that is?" He wondered to himself. "Sure you weren't Eddie. Sure."

Eddie smirked at him, "Unless you want me to."

Buck pushed him aside playfully. "Can we get home?"

"Of course we can."

So, Eddie drove them home and they walked into their bedroom since everyone was in bed.

Buck sat on the bed and stretched. "So Eddie. What now hm?" Eddie just smirked at him, "whatever you want I guess."

"Good." He stood up and grabbed Eddie's shoulders, tossing him onto the bed, climbing ontop of him and kissing at his neck. "M-mmph. Damn, ok." He chuckled. Buck moved himself closer, grinding his hips against Eddie's. In response, Eddie slid his hand up the back of Buck's neck and gripped his hair, moaning into his ear.

Buck rolled his hips against Eddie who in response started pulling at Buck's pants. "Stop being a tease." Buck chuckled and bit his neck. "D-damn it Evan," he moaned, biting his lip. Buck slid his hand down Eddie's chest and into the front of his pants, stroking him softly.

"Gh- damn it Buck," he moaned into his neck.

Buck smirked and bit his neck again and stroked him faster. He moved back, smirking. Eddie blushed, looking away from him. "No," Buck chuckled, grabbing his chin, "I want you to look at me." Eddie flustered more, biting his lip. Buck moved down, pulling at the waist of Eddie's pants and kissing at his hip.

Eddie moved his hand, running his fingers through Buck's hair. Buck glanced up at him and moved down and inwards, kissing at his thigh. Eddie moaned again, leaning his head back and then looking down at Buck, "Evan please...," he whimpered. Buck blushed and smirked up him. "Damn, that really gets to me..." he thought to himself. Eddie smirked at him, "Please?" Buck smirked at him again and slid Eddie's pants down to his knees.

Buck slid over licking up his dick, which got an erotic sigh from Eddie. Buck smirked at him again and Eddie just rolled his eyes at him, looking to the side. Buck took the tip into his mouth and then moved himself all the way down, gagging. Eddie gripped Buck's hair, moaning quietly. Buck moved up, licking the tip.

Eddie sighed erotically again moving his hand to Buck's chin making him look up at him, and Buck followed Eddie's silent instruction and glanced up at him without stopping. "You are, really good at that." Buck smirked at got faster in response to Eddie's compliment. "Hn- goddamnit, Evan,"

Buck blushed again, he really liked that Eddie called him that. As he swirled his tongue around the tip, slid his hands to Eddie's thighs, rubbing them softly. Eddie coveres his mouth, trying to keep himself quiet. Buck thought this was extremely attractive, and ergo decided he'd make it harder for him to stay quiet, so he started to continue with his tongue, but added his hand as well, stroking his cock. 

Eddie rolled his eyes and gripped Buck's hair, "ghh- fuck," he moaned looking down at him. Buck smirked up at him in response. Eddie ran his fingers through his hair again.

Buck could feel Eddie getting close and decided to stop and move to see what he'd do. In response Eddie sighed looking at Buck with lust in his eyes, "Evan please." He asked, out of breath.

Buck smirked at him and stroked slowly, to tease him. Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Please?" Buck smirked again and slid his own pants off, pulling his boxers down to his knees. He smirked at Eddie and thrusted himself in. Eddie gasped erotically and wrapped his arms around Buck's neck.

Buck started, knowing it wouldn't take Eddie much longer since was close before hand anyways. He leaned down and started kissing on his neck again, this time making sure to leave marks.

Eddie moaned into his neck moving his arms down and gripling Buck's shirt. Buck chuckled and whispered, "Are you struggling love?" Eddie went to disagree but he couldn't even form the words, which only proved Buck's point more.

Buck slid his shirt off and got faster with his hips, as to make sure Eddie was enjoying himself. Eddie gripped onto his back, pulling up skin beneath his nails.

Buck grunted into Eddie's neck knowing that both of them were getting close now. Eddie scratched at his back more, burying his face into Buck's neck. "Damn it Evan!~" he moaned. Buck just chuckled in response and grabbed Eddie's chin, tipping his head so Eddie was lookingat him. And Eddie did just that, he blushed and turned his attention to Buck. Well, it was hard not to have his attention on Buck considering how good he was at this.

Buck leaned in, kissing Eddie. Eddie was left gasping for breaths but he didn't complain. He liked the way everythink felt at the moment. He was overwhelmed by pleasure, but he loved it. Buck knew exactly what he was doing.

Eddie threw his head back moaning and felt himself on the verge of cumming. He wanted just that, he wanted Buck to know just how good he felt. Buck burried his face into Eddie's neck grunting which made Eddie blush. He loved knowing that Buck felt just as good as he did.  He feot his dick twitch as he came into Buck's hand and Buck of course chuckled.

With one final thrust, Buck came inside Eddie and grunted into his neck. He moved his head from his neck to smirk at Eddie and pull him into a passionate kiss. Eddie kissed him just as passionately. Buck moved back first smirking at Eddie a final time and pulling out. He sat up and pulled his boxers back on. "Just a second and I'll get you a washrag." Buck said, getting up and walking out of the bedroom. "Hey can I have some watee while you're at it," Eddie asked, still trying to catch his breath.

Buck laughed to himself amd went to the kitchen, getting a water bottle and taking it him, then going to the bathroom and wetting a washcloth, which he came back into the bedroom with. He handed Eddie the washcloth and let him clean himself up.

Eddie sighed and slid his boxers back on, looking at Buck. "You are, amazing at that." Buck laughed, "I've been told before but uh, you're not so bad yourself." Eddie smirked for a second, thinking about how this time, both of them were comepletely sober. and then pulled Buck in close laying his head against Buck's chest. Buck smiled and wrapped his arms around Eddie.

"I'm glad to have you back. You really are the world to me, Buck."

Buck smiled again and said, "I'm glad to back. You mean more to me than you'll ever understand, Eddie. "

And that easily, Eddie was asleep. Buck assumed he was worn out, and couldn't really blsme him. But nonetheless he figured he may as well go to sleep too.

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