"I can't do very much straight in general."

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"Ok, Buck, I think its time you guys go home." Hen said, standing up.

"Alright, alright. I guess we should get home."

Eddie took the keys out of Buck's pocket, "I'll drive."

"What- why?"

"Evan, you couldn't walk in a straight line if I asked you to."

"I can't do very much straight in general, Eddie." Buck said, winking at him.

Eddie choked back a laugh and rolled his eyes. "I'll drive and that's that. I drive us here, I can drive us back."

Hen squatted down in front of Christopher, "Do you want to spend the night at my house?"


"Just- uhm- I don't know," Hen was trying to find an excuse for why she was asking, but found none,  "Do you?"

"Is Denny there?"



"Ok. Let's go then," she said standing up and taking his hand in her own.

Buck waved by to Bobby and Athena, "I'll see you tommorow, cap. And you later, Athena."

"Bye-Bye Buck."

Eddie took Buck's hand and walked him to the truck.

"So, tell me Evan. Was this your plan for proposing the whole time?"

"Well, no. Actually, my original plan was to take you to a big fancy restoraunt and I'd propose there, but... that didn't really seem fitting. I thought you'd enjoy this setting a lot more."

"Evan," Eddie turned towards him, wrapping his arms around his neck, "I just enjoy being with you. I would have loved to answer that question anywhere, because it's you, because I love you."

Buck couldn't help the smile spreading across his face and put his hands on Eddie's waist, leaning in and kissing him softly. He pulled away only to smile at him again, "Can we go home now?"

Eddie laughed, "yea, get in the truck and let's go."

Buck laid his head against the truck window watching the city lights pass him by. This really is a beautiful place, he thought. He sat up and glanced over at Eddie, who was concentrated on his driving.


"What is it, Buck?"

"I just wanted to tell you I love you, thats all."

Eddie smiled, moving a hand off the wheel and using it to find Buck's hand, "I love you too."

Buck took Eddie's hand gratefully, lacing their hands together and smiling.


Eddie parked the truck in their driveway and unbuckled. Buck sat up and stretched his legs, unbuckling himself.

Eddie got out first, walking around to the other side of the truck and opening Buck's door for him. "Thanks." And Buck hopped out of the truck.

Before Eddie made it to the door, Buck grabbed his hand and pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, this time pressing his hips into Eddie's and kissing him lustfully.

Eddie was surprised, but kissed him back and placed his hands at Buck's hips and pulled him closer against him.

Buck pulled back and smirked at Eddie, "why don't we go inside now, hm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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