"You're Incredible, Eddie..."

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Buck awoke to Eddie in his arms and he was happy to have him. He didn't want to wake him up, but he knew they needed to get to work. He leaned in and gently kissed his head. Then he got up careful not to wake him and got dressed. He slid on Eddie's hoodie despite the fact it said "Diaz" in the upper right corner. He knew people at work would ask about it but figured, if Eddie didn't want them to know he'd make something up and if he didn't mind, he'd tell them. Once he'd finished getting dressed, Buck walked into Christophers room to get him ready for school. He sat on Chris' bed and tapped him gently, "Hey buddy. Time to get up for school."

Christopher rolled onto his back and stretched. "Buck?" He asked yawning.

Buck laughed to himself. "Yea its me buddy. Come on you gotta get up."

Chris sat up and looked at Buck. "What are you doing here?"

"I came because I needed to talk to your dad last night. But I'm here now. C'mon get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast, ok?" He asked standing back up.

Chris nodded and stretched, then stood up walking to his dresser.

Buck walked out, closing the door behind him and went to the kitchen, beggining to make them all breakfast. He decided on eggs and bacon with toast. After he'd made breakfast he figured it was time to get Eddie up.

He walked into the bedroom snd sat on the bed patting Eddie's shoulder. "Hey. You gotta wake up. We've got work today."

Eddie rolled onto his back and stretched. "Do we have to go?" Buck laughed at that saying, "Yes, Eddie we have to go to work." Eddie rolled ober facing Buck. "Or, we could stay in bed and cuddle watching movies." And he said it with a mischevous smile that made Buck want nothing but to stay home with him. "Damn it Eddie." He said and Eddie laughed. "Fine. I'll get up."

And Eddie sat up, swinging his legs off the bed and standing up. He checked his phone for the time. "Shit! I've gotta get Chris up for school." Buck smiled at him, "I've already done it. You just get dressed." Eddie sighed in relief as Buck walked out of the room.

A little while later they all climbed into Eddie's truck and Buck couldn't help but let his eyes linger on the backseat that Christopher was climbing into. Eddie chuckled quietly and whispered, "Don't worry I cleaned it up." And walked past Buck. He caught himself blushing about it. "I- no I was just- uhm-" Stop.it. You're babbling like a baby. He thought as he shook his head and climbed into the truck.

They dropped Chris off at school and pulled into work a few minutes later. They hadn't been in the fire station for a full ten minites when Hen and Chimney came up to them smirking nonchalantly as they do when they're up to something.

"So, first you practically fuck on a pool table ans now you come into work with hickies?" Hen asks. Buck blushes when she mentions the marks on his neck. "Yea, what is going on between you two?" Chimney adds, contributing to the conversation.

Buck laughed at the two of them, "since when does it matter to you two?" Hen looked at Buck the way she tends to look ar someone being stupid. "Since we watched you moan into Eddie's mouth on a pool table in a public bar..."

Buck laughed quietly. "Alright. Touchè. We slept together. Thats all. It doesn't mean anything." What the hell did I just say? I'm head over heals for him. "Actually- it doesn't really mean anything... but there's no doubt I'm in love with him." Buck said, looking to Hen for advice. Hen smiled at Buck, "Does he know that? Have you told him?" He shook his head, "No. I haven't. Do you think I should?"

Hen took a seat next to Buck. "Why wouldn't you? I mean, if thats how you really feel, you'd want him to know right? So he can know that you really do love him. And you care for him."

Buck sighed and set his head against his knees, pulling them to his chest. "Maybe I should. But, after what happened with Ana I just- what if he's not ready for a relationship? Or-or a serious relationshop- right? But, that's what I want with him. I want a serious relationship, I want- I want to spend my life with him. I want to be there with him through thick and thin. But what if he doesn't feel the same way? I just- I'm scared Hen. So scared-"

Hen looked at Buck with a concerned expression, "Maybe you should take him somewhere for dinner. And you can talk to him there hm?"

Buck smiled at her, "Maybe I will. Thanks for the advice Hen. I appreciate it." Hen smiled back. "Everyone likes the idea of you guys together, ya know. Even cap. He thinks you two would be great together. And so does everyone else. I hope things work out for you two."

They had a call responding to a a car accident, which they didn't think of ss much in the beggining but, it turned out pretty bad. The team pulled onto the shoulder, parking the truck and got out.

As they got closer they noticed a woman stuck behind the wheel of her car. She had slipped forward and her legs were crushed beneath her. Which was going to make it difficult to get her out in one piece. Everyone was surveying the area, but Eddie got to work. He broke the window of the car and looked in. "Hey miss. My name is Eddie. We're gonna get you outta there ok? What's your name?" The woman looked at him, "Rachelle," She said. Eddie looked around her car, trying to see how bad it was. "Alright Rachelle. Tell me, where does it hurt?" She laughed through a wince, "My legs."

Eddie opened the car door and leaned in a little more. "Ok. I think I can get you out of here, but its going to hurt. Is that going to be alright?" She nodded and waited. "Buck! Get over here I need help!" Buck jogged over to him immeadietly. "Yea, what can I do?"

"Alright, lift her legs up for me, and then just follow my lead ok?" Buck nodded and reached in sliding his arms under her knees and gently lifting her legs. She winced in response but said nothing. Eddie put his hands under her shoulders, lifting her with a firm grip. Together the two of them got her out and got her over to Hen and Chimney.

Buck glanced over at Eddie and smiled. Eddie caught him looking and asked, "What? Why are you so smug, hm?" Buck shook his head, "I was just thinking, everyone else was scared to hurt her, but you- you knew what to do. You knew how to help her, while causing the minimal amount of pain. You're incredable, Eddie." And Eddie couldn't help but smile. "You think so?" Buck nodded and climbed into the truck.

Once they got back, every changed into their own clothes and headed home for the night. Buck climbed into Eddie's truck with him and looked at him. "Hey uh, you wanna get dinner? I'll uh- I'll pay."

Eddie smirked playfully at Buck, "Are you asking me out?" Buck laughed quietly, "Yea, I am." Eddie flushed slightly, "Fine. Where to?" Buck thought to himself, "Let me drive." Eddie got out and the two of them switched seats and then Buck drove them out.

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