unknown number

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Buck felt his phone buzz in his pocket, signaling a text message. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw it was a number he didn't have saved, the message read, "Is this Evan?" Buck was confused but responded with, "I prefer Buck, but yea. Who is this?" The message was read already. "I'll tell you later. I'd like to get to know you." Buck scoffed quietly. He typed out, "A shame
hree dots until he read the message, "Are you willing to cheat on him? 😏" Buck scoffed again and turned  off his phone. "The nerve of some people," he said to himself getting up and stretching.

Eddie walked back into the bedroom, wrapping his arms around Buck's waist and laying his head on his shoulder. "Are you ok? You seem stressed, baby."

Buck slid his phone into his pocket, setting his hand on Eddie's arm. "No its nothing. I'm over it." And he was. Because Eddie meant the world to him and he didn't want nor need anyone else. He couldn't stand the thought of being with anyone else. Eddie was everything to him.

"Are you sure? You seemed pretty upset."

"Its nothing. It was stupid and it doesn't matter anyway," he said, rubbing Eddie's arm gently, "because I have you." And he smiled.

Eddie smiled and pulled Buck closer to him. "Alright." He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.

Buck let himself lean against Eddie who  held Buck close. "You wanna go out?"

"Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know- just out...?"

Eddie laughed. "Ok. You wanna go get something to drink at the bar? We could take Tk and Carlos with us."

"Sure. That sounds like a good idea, sounds fun."

"Alright. I'll get them."

Eddie walked out of the bedroom and went to get Tk and Carlos, who agreed to tag aling and went to the Jeep. Buck was out a couple minutes later, in the same hoodie he'd been wearing for the past couple days, which he stole from Eddie. He climbed into the Jeep and started it.

In a matter of minutes the four of them pulled into the bar and climbed out, walking inside.

Buck went in and found them a place to sit. Tk went to get drinks and Eddie and Carlos sat on either side of Buck.

Buck took his phone out to see he had more messages from the unsaved number. He ignored it, turning his phone right back off. Something about that person just made him uncomfortable. He figured if he didn't need to deal with it, he wouldn't.

"Hey, you ok, Evan? You seem to keep getting stressed when you pick up your phone." Eddie said.

"Just people being assholes." He said in response. And that was how he felt about it.

"Do you mind if I see the conversation?"

Buck slid him the phone. "Be my guest. I don't even know how they got my number. It kinda pisses me off."

Eddie took the phone and unlocked it, looking at the messages. He was mad at the person on the other end of the phone, and yet he was glad Buck responded the ways he did. He sighed and handed the phone back to him. "I'm sorry about that. Just block them, or ignore them."

Buck took his phone back and slid it into his pocket. "I've just been ignoring it." Eddie smiled at him, "Good. Because I want you all to myself."

Buck felt himself blush and leaned in, kissing Eddie softly. Eddi of course kissed him back and Buck smiled at him. Eddie laughed quietly, "Your lips are a little chapped." Buck scoffed at him, "Yea. I wonder why," he said sarcastically.

Eddie laughed. "Well, I'd say sorry but uh," he leaned in closer whispering to Buck, "I think we both enjoyed it. Didn't we, Evan~?"

Buck blushed and pushed him aside as Tk came back with the drinks. "What'd I miss?" He asked passing out the drinks.

Buck took his drink and said, "Just Eddie being an asshole."

Buck turned his attention to a guy who appeared to be about as old as Eddie walking towards them. He sat in the seat between Buck and Carlos, offering to buy Buck a drink. Buck declined his offer and scooted towards Eddie.

Eddie noticed that he was uncomfortable and politely asked the man to leave.

He looked at Eddie, asking, "Why? I haven't done anything wrong."

"You're making him uncomfortable. I'd appreciate it if you'd leave."

"I haven't touched him."

"No but you came and practically sat in his lap."

"I didn't. I simply sat next to him. Besides why does it matter to you anyway?"

"I don't know maybe because he's my boyfriend?"

"Are you? Damn thats a shame." He said, and then turned his attention back to Buck. "You know, I could be way better than he ever will."

Buck glared at him, "No. I don't think you could."

"Well, I guess you'll just have to find out." He said, standing up and putting his hand on Buck's shoulder.

Buck shrugged his hand off. "Don't touch me."

"And why not?"

Carlos chimed in, "Because he doesn't want you to. And thats harassment. So don't touch him."

"Fine, fine." He said. He looked at Eddie and smirked, "We'll see how long he stays with you, when he could be with me instead. He already has my number."

Eddie stood up, "It was you texting him?"

"Mhm. It was indeed. And like I said, he'll probably choose me anyway."

Eddie puched him in the jaw, sending him stumbling into a table. "Fuck off. He doesn't like you."

The man scoffed and went to hit Eddie but he caught his hand, twisting his arm behind his back and kicking him to the floor. "Be glad I'm not breaking your fucking ribs. Or your neck, at that."

Carlos pulled Eddie off of him, telling him he really didn't wanna have to arrest him and the four of them walked out.

Buck grabbed Eddie's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Are you ok? You didn't have to do that..."

Eddie pulled Buck's hand to his lips and kissed it softly. "I didn't have to. But he was pissing off everyone there. And he was making you uncomfortable."

Buck just smiled at him, "Thanks, I guess." And they climbed into the car, headed home.

[Authors note: for context, Chris is gone to Hen's house for a sleepover with Denny, if anyone was wondering Which I will talk about in the next chapter.]

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