The start of the Buckley-Diaz family

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Eddie yawned, sitting up in the bed. He realized when he opened his eyes why it'd gotten colder, Buck left.

"Evan? Where'd you go?" He got up and stretched, walking out of the bedroom.

Buck was in the bathroom finishing getting dressed. "I'm in here." He glanced one more time in the mirror, making sure he was positive he looked nice, and then concluded that he did.

Eddie walked into the bathroom and looked at Buck, "What are you all dressed up for?"

Buck shrugged. "I just like to look nice from time to time, thats all." Which, of course was a lie, but Eddie would figure that out later. And, he wasn't dressed to the nines, he was wearing a blue button up shirt and dark grey jeans, not extravagent, he thought, just nice.

"Ok. Well, don't we have plans today?"

"Mhm. We're going to Bobby and Athena's house. As is the rest of the 118. And, I was thinking we should take Chris with us, so we can spend time with him too."

"Alright." Eddie leaned in and kissed Buck's cheek, "I'll go get ready."


"Ok. You guys ready?" Eddie asked, parking his truck in Athena's driveway.

"Yea. Let's go." Chris said, unbuckling himself.

Buck smiled and nodded, "Let's"

Eddie got out of the truck and opened Chris' door for him, "Let's go bud."

Buck walked around to the other side of the truck and closed Chris' door. "Alright. C'mon then."

As they reached the door, Maddie walked up to them, "hey boys. What are you all up to?"

"Maddie. What are you doing here," Eddie asked.

"I assumed you knew... Buck invited me."

"For what..?"

"Now, that I can't tell you."

Eddie looked at Buck who, in response, cleared his throat and said, "Why don't we go inside?"

"Yea, let's go in."

Buck knocked on the door and Athena was quick to answer. "Well, I was wondering if you guys were ever gonna show up."

"Well, we did. We may just be the last ones, but we're here."

"Actually, Chimney isn't here yet, so you aren't the last ones, just close to it." Bobby said walking towards the door.

"Come on in. There's lunch on the table if you're hungry, we've got drinks in the fridge, just make yourself at home."

"Aunt Hen!" Chris exclaimed, going towards Hen and her wife.

"Hey buddy. What are you doing here?"

"I don't know. Buck said he had something important to do and I needed to be here for it."

"Oh really? Thats exciting."

Chris nodded.

"Evan, what is going on?"

"Did he just call you Evan?" Maddie asked, shocked to have heard anyone else call him that.

"Yea, he did. And I-I kinda like it, when he calls me that..."

Eddie cast a glance at Buck, "Evan..?"

"I can't tell you right now, but I promise it's worth waiting for. Ok?"

Eddie sighed. "Is it?"

Buck wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck and pulled him close, "it is. I promise. Ok?"

Eddie looked at him, still confused, but said, "Ok."

Buck leaned in and kissed him softly. "I promise." And then he pulled away from the embrace.

Athena quirked an eyebrow at the two of them and then turned to Bobby, "how long has that been a thing? And why didn't you ever tell me?"

Buck answered for him, "A few months. A good few months, at that."

Bobby spoke this time, "I don't know why I didn't, honestly. But they've been together for quite some time now."

"Thats interesting. I knew it was going to happen. Now pay up." She turned to Hen and held out a hand.

"Damnit, you remembered." She handed over a twenty dollar bill.

"Girl, how could I forget?"

"You guys made a bet about whether or not we would get together?"

"Hey, they aren't the only ones." Bobby said.

Buck laughed. "Well, alright then, I guess."

"Hey, we were all waiting for it to happen, except Hen who claimed you two were happy in your relationships."

Buck and Eddie looked at each other for a brief moment, looked at Hen, and then laughed.


The day had faded to night, and everyone had moved outside. It was a beautiful night. The stars were shining brightly, it wasn't too hot outside, but it wasn't too cold either, everything was perfect.

Buck began to pace a small strip of grass. He just walked back and forth and back and forth. Not because he had nothing better to do, but because he was nervous, maybe even scared.

"Buck. If you don't quit doing that, you might dig a hole in the ground over there." Chimney said, playfully.

"I didn't even realize I was doing it, sorry." And it was true, he hadn't realized he was doing it. He just found himself thinking about how to word things, until finally, he figured it out.

Everyone was sitting down, Buck reached for Eddie's hand and when he took it, he pulled him into the middle.

"What is it, Evan?"

Buck cleared his throat, and took Eddie's hand once again, this time, getting onto one knee as he held his hand. It seemed as though it was only them, and so, Buck spoke; "Eddie, you mean the world to me. I'm asking you this because, I really do see forever in your eyes and, I want nothing more than that for you and I. And I know I tell you all the time but I-I really do love you. I want us to be more than what we are right now, because I love you and I want to be yours forever, Eddie. So, will you marry me? Because, I-" he sighed, gathering his thoughts, "I really love you. And if we were to loose each other tommorow, I want to be able to say that I know damn well that you knew I loved you. Because time is a fragile thing and-"

Eddie crouched down to Buck's level and placed his free hand on his cheek, "Evan. Evan. Are you going to let me say yes now? Are you?"

Buck bit his lip, "Are you going to say yes?"

"Yes. Evan. Of course."

Buck smiled at him and pulled in for a kiss. Eddie smiled back at him and watched as he slid the ring onto his hand.

Eddie pulled Buck close, kissing him once again.

"I knew you were up to something. You hate wearing nice clothes."

"Actually- I'll have you know that very occasionally I like to wear nice clothes."

"Like when?" Bobby asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

Buck scoffed and gave Bobby the finger, while leaning into another kiss.

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