Chapter 6 - Family Matters

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"Hello, Ma, Irene, and ate Imee... There's someone who I'd like you to meet."

The women on the dining table turned around to face Bong Bong.

Next to him was Leni who was tightly gripping his arm.

She did not expect nor was she prepared to face this moment.

Bong Bong gave her a reassuring smile as he continued to talk to his mother and sisters,

"I'm sure you're already somewhat familiar with her... Ladies, this is VP Leni... VP Leni, this is my younger sister - Irene, my ate - Imee, and of course my mother - the one and only, Imelda Marcos."

Irene gave both of them a warm smile as she stood up to beso with Bong Bong.

To Leni's surprise, Irene gave her a friendly hug as well.

"It's nice to finally meet you, VP Leni." Irene said.

Meanwhile, Imelda and Imee remained seated as they just politely smiled at Leni.

Leni stood awkwardly for a few seconds as Bong Bong temporarily let go of her to make beso with his mother and Imee. 

Afterwards, Imelda then motioned for them to sit down and said,

"Welcome... Upo na kayo dito."

Bong Bong pulled out a chair for Leni then settled in beside her.

Once everybody's seated, Imelda said,

"Kain na tayo."

They all proceeded to dine in awkward silence.

After a few moments, Imee cleared her throat and said,

"So... Bonget, have you been to social media lately? It seems like you and VP Leni have been making a lot of noise..."

Bong Bong awkwardly laughed as he said,

"No, ate... Although we're aware."

"Kaya ba kayo nandito sa norte? To escape the chaos?"

"Yes? That and of course... for you all to formally meet Leni."

Imee then looked at Leni and asked her,

"Those pictures were quite scandalous, don't you think, VP Leni?"

Irene butted in,

"I actually think they're more on romantic, ate."

Embarrassed, Leni didn't know what to reply.

Suddenly, Imelda spoke up but changed the topic as she said,

"Bong Bong? So kailan ang kasal niyo?"

Leni almost choked on her water but thankfully, she was able to stop herself.

Before Bong Bong could answer his mother's question, Imee said,

"Don't you think it's a little too early for that, ma?"

Irene joined in,

"What do you mean by too early, ate? Eh senior na nga yang si kuya."

Imelda put up her hand and said,

"Ladies! I am talking to your brother. Pasagutin niyo siya... Bong Bong?"

Bong Bong stared at Leni before he answered his mother. He squeezed her hand under the table as he said,

"We have no plans yet, ma... The truth is, we're not in a hurry."

After hearing Bong Bong's answer, Leni can't quite read Imelda's expression. She wasn't smiling yet she was not frowning either.

Imelda then turned to Leni,

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