Chapter 10 - Falling Apart

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Senator Imee?

Imee was busy touching up her makeup in front of the restroom mirror when Leni came out of a stall.

The two women looked shocked upon seeing each other.

"Leni?" Imee asked.

Leni felt awkward in that moment. She didn't really know what to say.

Imee turned around to face Leni and said,

"Naka-usap ko si Bong Bong... He told me everything."

Leni looked down. She wanted to get out of there but she wasn't brave enough to walk out on Imee.

Imee said,

"He really loves you, you know..."

Leni looked up at her.

"Loves me?"

Imee nodded.

"I know my brother very well, Leni... Maniwala ka sa akin - he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time..."

Imee then continued to explain to Leni what really happened that night. From the fight, to Bong Bong and Martin getting drunk, to Bong Bong getting in Risa's house...

Leni listened carefully to Imee's story until she finished and said,

"Do you understand now, Leni? What happened to my brother was just a series of unfortunate events..."

Leni still wasn't sure whether or not she'd believe Imee.

Imee stepped forward and took Leni's hand as she said,

"Please give my brother another chance. What he feels for you is real."

Leni replied,

"Senator Imee... How can you assure me na totoo yung sinasabi mo? Kapatid ka niya..."

Imee squeezed her hand.

"I understand where you're coming from, Leni... Pero ako na ang magsasabi - I swear it on my whole life AND my family's life that I am telling you the truth."

Leni was stunned that Imee swore on something extremely important.

Her intuition was trying to tell her that she just might be telling the truth, after all.

Leni suddenly remembered every experience she had with Bong Bong.

Meeting him... Falling for him... Dating him... Loving him... Losing him...

Losing him?


Deep down in Leni's heart, she wasn't ready to lose him.

Imee finally let go of her hand.

It's as if Imee read Leni's mind when she said,

"It's not too late, Leni... Naniniwala ako na you haven't lost each other yet."


After her conversation with Imee, Leni met up with Antonio outside.

"Uwi na kita, Leni?" He asked.

Leni nodded.

They had a quiet trip going back to Leni's condo. Leni had a lot of things on her mind, a lot of it involving Bong Bong.

Upon their arrival, Antonio got out of the car then opened the door for Leni. He said,

"I'll walk with you upstairs."

"Huh? Hindi na kailangan, Antonio. I can go on my own."

"I insist, Leni... Please?"

Leni sighed. She had no energy to argue with him.

"Fine." She answered.

They proceeded to walk together to Leni's front door.

Once they have arrived, Leni faced Antonio and said,

"Salamat sa invitation mo tonight."

He smiled at her,

"You're welcome, Leni."

Leni didn't expect what Antonio was going to do next.


She got startled as Antonio kissed her cheek goodbye.


Bong Bong decided that he'll pursue Leni again tonight in person.

He has tried calling her for days but she never answered any of his calls.

He found himself walking up once again to Leni's front door.

As he turned the corner towards her corridor, he stopped in his tracks upon seeing the scene in front of him.

In that moment, Antonio was kissing Leni goodbye.


Leni was left in shock as Antonio parted from her.

It was at that moment when she noticed that they weren't alone in the corridor.

Bong Bong was there.

And he saw what just happened.

Antonio then turned to leave but stopped as he also saw Bong Bong.

Surprised and somewhat embarrassed, Antonio was left speechless.


Bong Bong looked at Antonio then at Leni.

Leni knew that she didn't need to explain what just happened but she felt like Bong Bong have probably misinterpreted the situation.

None of them moved as they waited for each other to say something.

However, there was only silence.

Leni wasn't sure what was on Bong Bong's mind as of the moment but she saw that there was only pure sadness in his eyes.

Thinking that everything was too late, Bong Bong slowly took a step back then finally turned around to leave the two of them alone.


Bong Bong got in his car and drove away from Leni's condo.

He never felt so lost in his life.

His vision was starting to blur through his tears as he drove faster.

He didn't care anymore.

In his mind, Leni was gone and he's already lost her.

Immense hurt filled his heart thinking of her until he no longer had to... the next moment came out of the blue.


A deafening crash was heard as a truck hit Bong Bong's car.


In an instant, everything broke as glass shattered and heavy metal collided.

Memories of him and Leni filled Bong Bong's last thoughts while the world slowly faded into darkness as he closed his eyes.

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