Chapter-4 Love

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Author's Pov

So the days went by
Bondita's and Anirudh's friendship became very close

Bondita tells him everything openly to Anirudh and so would Anirudh

As the friendship grew,at the samw time Anirudh's obsession also increased

There are many male friends who show their friendship with bondita,if it is in front of anirudh he would act like a volcano,every time bondita stood confused when ever he ract to her male classmates . No man can stand to talk to Bondita he didn't like that.

When she asked the reason for this, anirudh says that not everyone is the same me and eby,and he will tell her,when ever i am with you no one comes and talks to you okay
She stood silently,don't know what to say should she happy for his care or what?

So one day
bondita, anirudh, eby, reha

The four of them went on a one day tour Bondita feels different all the time she sees anirudh she started attraction to Anirudh she wanted to tell about her feelings but she can't

.She wants to say it but she does not have the courage to do it for the sake of the family (Fear of the family is the truth, if parents are friendly even though, it's a fear for all girls when it comes to this ... (Does anyone have this fear 😌 tell me in commentw)

Her every move and expression went deep into Anirudh's mind and he cant even imagin his single moment without her now.

But he should wait to see the same thing in her eyes whenever he saw her, it's in his mind.

Only one of his cousins ​​knows about this at home. Anirudh don't have much friends but he have a brother not by blood but by heart Saurabh same as his age,but he is in abroad for some business enquiries so Anamika(cousin) is the one who supported in this relation she so kind and soft hearted person a silent girl who support his brother in every hard time she also same age as anirudh..she dk his obsession for bondita she thought his love for bondita is normal his mad side is unknown to her except his mother and father.

Author's pov end

Some days later

@coffee shop

Anamika:Anirudh why did you call me here anything important?

Anirudh:yes,something important


Anirudh:can you ask bondita about her feelings for me

Anamika:are you out of mind ani how can i ask her that,okay if i asked her should she tell that?no obviously no if she have feelings for you u got it

Anirudh :what the hell?no thos not pssible she also loves me i can figure it out from her eyes please help me anu

Anamika:okay... Ani if she say no then what will you do?

His eyes turned dark he stabbed the table and said No!! He yelled at anamika while shocking other customers who were sipping there coffee including the workers

Anamika flinched at his dark thick voice but she knows his anger and how he will react when someone tells negative

Anamika stood up and said ani cool down this is not your home she tries to calm him down but all gone in vein

Anirudh :what you just said anu "she will say no to my proposal" he roars

Anamika:ani cool down atleast calm down for sometimes please we can go out from this shop please

Anirudh realised what he have just done he knows that the will think I'm over reacting for silly reasons for them this is dilly reasons for me its not

He stormed out of the shop

After paying the bill and apologized to the staffs anamika came out

Anamika:I'm sorry anirudh i don't mean that you get me wrong sorry ani

Anirudh sighed

Anamika:ani i'm sorry

Anirudh :huhh it's ok..but don't do this type of mistakes

Anamika:she sighs paagal deewani she muttered under her breathe

Anirudh:anamika don't forget to meet bondita as soon as possible ok

Anamika:ok i will,i'm leaving bye

Anirudh:i can drop you,come

Anamika: no ani i want to go to my friends house bye

Anirudh:ok see you soon,with good news he said with a smirk

Anamika leaves

I will not let bondita go from me if she doesn't love me then i don't care about it i love her that's enough for me he said to him

Soon bondita will be Mine!❤


Any title idea?please tell🥲


Ignore my mistakes
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Till then bye

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