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Ignore My Mistakes★



Bondita didn't change her saree nor did she eat she just washed her face only

She was feeling insecure and scared
Some wild thoughts are killing her from inside..

After sometimes she heard the unlocking sound of the door
She knows who would be it
Bondita curled herself like a ball

Anirudh came inside and found  bondita like this he felt bad for her because of him she was behaving like this

Bondita, he called her softly

Bondita was shivering she was feeling very scared of his presence,once she always loved his presence

He called her again but no movements
He removed her hand from knees and he made her look up by holding her chin

"Bondita go and take a hot bath, you're looking so tired.go", Anirudh told her politely

Bondita didn't say anything anirudh sighed

"Ok if you don't want to then ok, eat a little then he stood up and makes  bondita too
he ordered the servants to bring some fruits"..

He takes one apple and starts to cut it into pieces

He put that knife aside and forwarded her a slice of apple she took that to divert his mind
She takes the knife and hides it behind
After eating one apple she turned her face away to show she was full

Anirudh looked for the knife
He understood that bondita took that
He left out a heavy sigh
He shook his head

"Bondita gave it to me", he said coldly

"No, i won't because of me my parents are suffering if I am not alive what will you do with my parents? Nothing right? You want to blackmail me right? while threatening them? If I die you can't hurt them, so she keeps the knife near her hand"

"B-bondita? What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? Drop that f**king knife",Anirudh yelled

She almost dipped that knife before it could hurt her anirudh pulled her and threw the knife then he slapped her hard he grabbed her hand she winced in paina he grabbed her arm and pulled
She had a small cut on her hand with that knife

He immediately took a cloth and tied both her hands together

"Now I want to see how you will try to suicide"he yelled with dark eyes

"You have to suffer the punishment of the mistake you have just made", Anirudh said while biting his inner cheek

Her eyes widened
Warm tears rolled down

He harshly picked her up and threw her on the bed

She begged him to not do that

He cared less for her words

She tried to get down and run but Anirudh did not let her go

He climbed on top of her and kissed her hard and bitted her upper lips soon it started to ooze blood anirudh sucked it
He moved towards her neck and sucked and bitted her neck hardly, he gived open kisses also
In these time bondita tried hard to get out from him but it all goes in wain

When he went to untie her saree, she pushed him away with force

She tried to untie her hands anirudh came infront of her with a sly smile what happened baby?don't you want to go? Hmm

Bondita glared at him and she ran to the door to get out
Suddenly Anirudh came and stood in front of the door

"Sir,stay away i want to go to my parents ", bondita said angrily

Anirudh smiled at her and locked the door with the key

"Sir, what are you going to do? She asked hopelessly"
"Open the door! Don't make me mad",Bondita

Give me the key!

She walked up to him but he held up his hand

"Sir,Give me the key
Please ", bondita

"Baby, come on little more you can do it he held his hand more up", Anirudh licked his lips

Tears rolled down her cheeks

"Hey come on bondita don't lose your energy so early, we have so much things to do ", Anirudh said while looking her head to toe

She feels disgusting

She banged at the door to open the door

"No one is here bondita i send them away"!,he said with malicious glee

"Bondita, should not fight on the first night baby", anirudh said while cupping her face

Bondita slapped his hands away

"Don't touch me", Bondita shouted

Anirudh glared at her darkly

He moved towards her

"W-wh-at a-are y-you tr-trying t-to? d-do?", Bondita asked in fear

Bondita tries to remove the cloth from her hand

Anirudh harshly pulled her towards him
His hard chest hit her soft bosom
Bondita petrified

" You're now my spouse,bondita",He looked at her furiously and hissed
Tears rolled down her cheeks
"First, learn to be kind", Anirudh said darkly
(Me:who, bondita or you?😑😏)

He grabbed her cheeks

"Bondita, if you try to do  the same
Your parents are going to suffer for your mistakes", Anirudh said untying her hand

He then started unbuttoning his shirt



Hope you like it 🙂




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