Chapter -14

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Ignore my mistakes

Anirudh babu you're a great actor, she said dramatically

Anirudh -haa accha, how was my performance ma girl

Bondita -fabulous

And they burst out into laughing

After sometimes they came to college bondita looked at the time it's 9:50

Bondita is bit nervous

Anirudh -what happened?

Bondita -i was late, what if they scold me in front of all the other students? She asked being nervous

I will wait here
You message me when you enter class then i will go, "anirudh "

She smiles


He waves his hand

Firstly she left for principal's office, she knew if she go to her class first then tchr say take permission from principal

Bondita -may i come in sir?

Jacob-yes come in

He's in 60's cool and kind person treat everyone equally unlike other teachers

Jacob-arey Bondita tum? Kya hua bachha sab thik hua na?

Bondita looked at guest chair one young man is sitting there with a file

Jacob-bondita? What happand?

Bondita -she looked at principal, woh sir i was late today so i want to enter class, I'm here to seek permission she said politely

Jacob -okay
He takes paper and asked her to write the reason,after writing she gave it to him he signed it

When she turned the man's face was visible to her he so handsome she thought but anirudh is best she smiled at her thought
She gave him a light smile but he doesn't reciprocated

"Rude"she thought
After thanking she left for class

She was walking in the corridor of office the man looked her through the window

May i come in ma'am?,"Bondita "

Tchr-why are you late bondita? Did you ask principal sir?

Without uttering word she shows the paper

Tchr nodded and she enter the class and sat beside reha

Reha-What happened bondita?, why are you late?

Bondita -i will tell you later
Then she took her phone by hiding it with book and texted anirudh


[Bon:You can go now, everything is fine😘
Ani:are you in class?
Ani:ok fine, bye😘take care
Bon:hmm, bye❤️]


Bell rangs

Tchr-bondita don't forget to copy the notes
Bondita nodded

This hour is shwetha ma'am's, everyone says
But she take long leave na, "bondita"

Yes so we got a free period one of the boy said(Dain)

Another boy -but someone says one new professor came to teach shwetha ma'am sub

Dain -WTH😒

Idk the boy said is it true or not

All of the students are making noises

At that time bondita narrated what happens in her house with pink face throughout the reha is teasing her

Someone enter the class all the students get silence in a single glare from the person

Bondita looked at him and shocked what was he doing here

He come to centre of the class and said

Myself Aditya Roy
I'm your new professor
He said with a thick voice

He's so rude some students said to their bench partners

Reha also said to bondita

I knew, "bondita "

Reha-you already know him?

Bondita -I just saw him on office

Reha -Oh

So students introduce yourself

One by one all the students gave there name bondita's bench row comes reha stand and introduce her
Then bondita
My name is bondita
She looked at him but he was looking her differently she can sense that

After introduction

Aditya -so let's start our new chapter he said looking at bondita

She saw that
Bit she take out her book from bag, at that time Aditya came and ask can i borrow ur book?

Bondita looked at him and gave the book

He started his lessons
He teached his students nicely
But his eyes is in bondita

She concentrated on books so didn't see that

Time skips
Bell rangs

Aditya-bondita come to my cabin
With your notes in lunch break or interval

Bondita -o-okay s-ir


@Anirudh's office

Sir we didn't get that project, his manager says

Anirudh throw the glass due to his anger

It's 1cr project Aarav, "Anirudh yelled"Aarav,we lost one crores

Aarav-Sir, we did everything correctly but they said that they are not interested in contracting with our company, he said fearfully

Anirudh-didn't they come here and say that our company should also be contacted?you guys don't know that

Aarav-yes sir, we know that but that time Deva raj roy was ceo of "TRG Company "

Anirudh-and now?who the hell he is?

Aarav- Aditya

Anirudh looked at Aarav



Bondita had gone to Aditya's cabin


Aditya -come in

Bondita gives her notes to him

Aditya looked the written notes by turning it after that
He said, now you can go
I will give this notes tomorrow

She was going to leave at that time

Bondita,Aren't you Arvind Das's daughter?
Bondita looked at him shocked

Bondita -How you know him?

Aditya -I know him and we know each other
That's all

You can go,he said to bondita

Bondita left from there in confusion

Aditya smirked
You will know it soon
Ms. Bondita das


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