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*I wrote this chapter in a hurry, so please ignore the mistakes*


Wh-o?, "bondita"

You know the person,Someone from your college but he's not a student"aravind said playfully"

Reha and bondita know it will be anirudh for sure


Sir, there is a bad news, "Aarav"

Anirudh looked at him & asked,what? What the hell it is?

Sir, marriage!, "aarav"


Papa? "Bondita"

Okay let me tell clearly

"Aditya Roy son of Devaraj Roy
And your professor too"

Reha's eyes wide

Bondita frozed at her place

Maa and papa loved it and we know you will too, "they said together"

They said the want to do engagement soon.."aravind said happily"

You agreed right? Papa i want to complete my degree also want to do masters, "bondita said defensibly"

Haa i know beta, they agreed to it so no problem,i will make yoy study,hmm okay...
any problem don't you like this proposal ?"aravind said sadly"

Before bondita could speak

Hey not like that she was shocked, heina bondita sumati said to Bondita smilingly and kissed her cheeks

She nodded with a fake smile

Reha's pov
Yes, yes she was shocked not just shock hell shocked🤌🏻, hey durga maa please help my Bondita...

Bondita, Reha go and fresh i will make coffee for you two

They nodded and left


What the hell!marriage proposal for bondita
Who the hell is that brat?, " Anirudh shouted "

Si-sir woh, "Aarav"

Woh? "Anirudh shouted"

'Aditya Roy', "aarav"

Oh things have reached there, "Anirudh said with no expression "

Bondita?did she agreed? "Anirudh asked calmly "

We don't know it sir, "aarav said"


Door bell rang

Sumati opened the door

Ma'am bondita kon? This courier is for her..

Oh okay. Bondita...

Haa maa kya hua? Why you call me?, "bondita "

There is a courier for you, "sumati "

Courier?, "bondita thought"

The post man forwaded a paper to sign after that he gavee her the parcel

She looked at the address and it was from Nithya


Suddenly she ran to upstairs
And opened the parcel

She took the photographs in her hand and when she saw it, it fell from her hand
Those photos were of Anirudh and Nithya

BONDITA:🖤MY OBSESSION🖤 Where stories live. Discover now