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"S-sir p-please", bondita asked in fade voice

Anirudh is unbuttoning his shirt when hears it anger erupts He harshly pulls the shirt button it make the button broken

Bondita gasped in fear

He looked at bondita and find her like a lost puppy
He smirked

"Papa, maa!",Anirudh
He moved close to her

She stepped backed

Anirudh grabs her waist and looks at  her eyes with desire and so called love, bondita looks at him with fearful.. His gaze went to her lips and closed his eyes because of the huge adrenaline rush, he bited his lips a small amount of pink hue formed in bondita's cheeks

Anirudh opened his eyes and kissed her which drove her crazy
She doesn't know why, what happened so sudden to her? She thought

Soon he take her in his arms and laid her down in bed
He hovered above her and looked straight into her eyes his hand moved towards her shoulder to unpin her saree, he removed it her chest, cleavage and belly are visible to him he looked at her darkly he can feel his pants are getting tight bondita came out from her dreamland and try to push him his loving dark gaze changed into a evil dark gaze
He gripped her more tightly
His cold gaze is killing her from inside

He caught her hand and took handcuffs from the table

Bondita shouted not to do that bit he cared less he handcuffed her hands she throws her legs to him to push
He gets more angry and locked her legs in between his legs

He smirked looking at her eyes

Please d-don't d-do i-it, i-i'm n-not r-ready f-for t-that, "she know what he was going to do"

Baby, i'm ready for this so long hmm!, so cool
Today is the most lovable night for us
You're going to mine in every sense

He kissed her hard in her lips and bitted her cheeks
Tears rolled down her cheeks she lost her all hopes to get over him
She didn't reacted nor she stopped him
Soon he unhooked her blouse he dipped his face in between her two strawberries
Bondita closed her eyes and bitted her lips control her moan ,while dipping his head on her valley his hand works on her lower part he pulled her saree strands after that her skirt and finally her panties he looked at her with dark desired eyes she looked at hin in hate look.

He smirked and kissed her lips pulled her upper lips in between his teeth
Bondita tried hard to not give any pleasurable sounds to him
Not hearing any sounds he pinched her waist she groaned and burst into tears

"P-please s-sir", bondita murmurs in between his lips

Anirudh stands up from her and looked at her from head to toe

"You're so beautiful bondita"

Just a moment bondita thought he was going but

She saw him removing his pant and trouser
Her eyes widened

She pulled her hand away, nothing but pain was felt

She bit her lip to keep from crying

Anirudh lay down her opposite side
The hovered in her body his hand starts to rub her clit over the panties

His another hand kneading her moulds
His mouth is tasting her strawberries

Bondita takes oath that he will not hear any pleasure sounds from her mouth to sooth his manly desires

He removed her panty ,her fluids are spread all over he gently massaged her womanhood without any warning he inserted his index finger with force
Bondita flinched she closed her eyes and mouth
She writhed in pain
Then he put his middle finger in her vaginal,both his fingers starting to f*ck her

Then he looked at her dark lustful eyes and bitted her waist

She left out a small moan he gaved her a sly smile

He removed his boxers too

Bondita begged to him

Pl-please s-sir ,"Bondita begged"

Without even looking her he put his manhood in her with force
Bondita cried out in pain

Anirudh is out of his mind he don't even know what was he doing..

Soon he started to thrust her deep inside
Tears rolled down her cheeks
She cried silently

He does this more than 15 times without any break

Bedsheets is covered with full of blood and their white fluids

He licked her clit and gave a small boye on it

Bondita didn't respond only tears were flowing...

Bondita's Pov

Her raped me !

Anirudh then sleeps beside her after working hard on her
Also he removed her handcuffs and covered them with a blanket


Precap:He lied to them..

Ignore my mistakes


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My college is going to start from today and also i am in hostel too so my updates will slow ,forgive me if you can

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