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*Ignore my mistakes*

Sir, tomorrow is the engagement of Bondita ma'am, sir, why are you not doing anything?, "aarav asked in disbelief"

He didn't married her yet right?, "Anirudh said calmly"Let's see how far it goes...

Aarav sighed..
He don't know what is in his mind


The whole house is a chaos What is the reason? Hmm Bondita's engagement

Aravind is yelling to the servants to set all the arrangements fast..

Sumati is looking the food court..

In bondita's room

She was sitting like a cope
She also don't know what was she done?

Anirudh did not called after that incident
Bondita had not gone to college for a week
So she was fearing what if he come straight to venue...


Aarav, is all set? "Anirudh"

Yes sir,All our people have arrived there in disguise"aarav"

Hmm good, anirudh said while smirking darkly


Devaraj, Aravind and Binoy were sitting there talking, they heard a sound, and went inside and saw that all the guests were standing in one place and one person was holding a gun in front of them.

Hey what are you doing? Who are you, Aravind and Devaraj yelled

Devaraj try to take his phone that time..
Three goons came and caught them..

Leave me!.. Three of them yelled
The goons injected them something and take them to upstairs

As soon as they go there with them, we can see that except for Bonditta, everyone else is unconscious.

Devaraj, binoy, aravind are tied in a chair..

Bondita was unable to do anything

She was tied,even her mouth was taped too

Her eyes were filled with tears
She knows who is doing all this

She's struggling to get out from the rope

Hey, you have to sit like this for a while longer, you don't have to sit like this when the master comes..
Sit there without moving, if you fall or if you get hurt, sir will not leave us
So please, one man barked at her

Hearing this, Bondita's anger doubled
She tries hard..


The man fell down someone shooted him

All of them terrified especially bondita

Oh my angry baby, a manly voice came from side

She immediately turned
Only to found anirudh standing there while smiling..

He came to her
Not before moving the dead body
Bondita was frightened
She was very afraid to see this side of him
He removed the masking tape from her mouth

Within a minute she started to yell

Leave me!how dare you?

He grabbed her chin and shouted at her

If you want your relatives alive, keep quiet and come with me especially your  papa and maa...
Hmmm, you are a good girl,right?
So no more trouble
You are not like that before then what happened, haa?
I said that, I don't have any affair with her, but she and then he pointed at Aditya, who was unconscious and tied to the chair.they tricked us, bondita believe me.."Anirudh"

This is what everyone says when they are caught lying,"Bondita"

She was still trying to untangle her

Anirudh untied her

All of sudden

She slapped him hard

Anirudh was shocked because he never thought in his dream bondita would slap him like this

Bondita try to run from there

Her hair was spread all over her face and wetted by her sweat

Her face was red
She is still crying

She ran as fast she can before she could open the main door, anirudh catches her and caged her in his arm harshly...

She tried to hit but all gone in wain

Anirudh covered her face with a towel soon her body gave up

She lost her consciousness in his arms he lifted her up and went to his car

He informed aarav to take their parents to his secret place..

He too go there with unconscious bondita...

Sorry baby and he gently pecked her lips

I love you 💕he whispered..


Precap:two days later bondita opened her eyes and found herself in unknown place.

She saw herself in mirror with mangalsutra and sindoor...

What will happened when she opened her eyes?




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