Chapter-7 First Step to Claim Her

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Their relationship is in 7months they know eachother very well
Sometimes anirudh get frustrated with her behaviour 'cause she is in college as well she is just 19 so her immature behaviour affect his ego

Whenever she have project or any another works(exams)etc..she doesn't even call anirudh,but anirudh is anirudh he call her but she doesn't pick up the call

But whatever happens his love for her is constant

Bondita is very happy to have a gentleman in her life but she is unknown about his obsession for her

One day

Baba,i want to tell you something,Anirudh said.


Anirudh -i have a girl friend

Binoy-"oh",wait a minute what did you said? You have a girlfriend?

Anirudh -haa,her name is "Bondita"

Binoy stood furiously when he here that name

NO!Anirudh i will not accept this alliance,don't even dare to think about bondita

Anirudh-No baba i will not listen to you,i wamt her and thats it

Anirudh she is just 19 she's just a child anirudh your behavior will affect her innocent mind i can't believe you anirudh nor i can't be a part to hurt Bondita she's my aravind's daughter means my daughter,try to act as her brother,"binoy said"

Anirudh -WHAT THE HELL BABA!You want me to consider bondita as my sister😤

Binoy:no means no anirudh i will not agree to this marriage nor i'll not speak to Aravind and this is my final decision

Anirudh-i will only marry her do whatever you want,i just don't care
She will be soon your daughter in law
He smirked and go out

And he said i want bondita as my wife,my love not my sister he said evilly

Binoy stood silently he know that how will his son act when they don't agree to his wishes he is helpless but he try to protect that innocent girl

An that time shubra came towards Binoy she heard some yelling sound from their room and she knows who will be that she also saw that anirudh going out

Shubra -what happened binoy?

Binoy didn't tell anything he's lost in what anirudh just said to him

Shubra-binoy I'm asking to you she said loudly

Binoy -haa shubra
I'm just thinking about bondita

Shubra-Bondita? She asked being confused
What happened to her?

Binoy -nothing happened to her
I'm just praying to god not let anything happen to her

Shubra-what? Binoy say it clearly

Binoy-Anirudh said that he want to marry bondita

Shubra-oh wow it will be great
She's very nice girl
Kind and lovely girl
Such a innocent soul

Binoy-yes that's the problem

Shubra-what?why are you behaving odd?

Binoy -don't you know Anirudh's character?

Shubra-i know but-

Binoy -no buts we can't do this
He have obsession when he love one thing mostly he don't even allow anyone come near

On the other side

Anirudh reached Bondita's house

He pressed the calling bell

Sumati opened the door

Sumati-anirudh beta tum yeha?

Anirudh- i was just passed through this way and i thought to come here

Sumati- why are you standing outside come

Anirudh came inside and sit in the couch

Anirudh-aunty where is uncle

Sumati-he go to punjab

Anirudh-to take materials?

Sumati -yeah

Sumati you sit here i will make coffee for you

Anirudh-aunty where is bondita?can i talk to her?

Sumati -of course beta she's in her room huh upstairs i think she's studying

Always studying anirudh murmured under his breath

Sumati- did you said something?

Anirudh-N-no aunty

Sumati left
Anirudh goes to Bondita's room

Anirudh going to knock the door but he stopped in mid-way and he smirked

He opened the door with a thudd

Bondita turned towards the door side and she get shocked to see anirudh there her mouth is in the shape of 'O'

Bondita-tum she asked being shocked


Ignore my mistakes

So sorry for being late 😐

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