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Bondita is in shocked to see anirudh in her house she thinks its his first time what he said to her mother

Bondita-why are you here? Who told you to come in my room haan?who told you while looking outside she's afraid

Anirudh-don't be afraid bondu i-

Suddenly sumati comes

Bondita's eyes widen in fear

Anirudh why are you standing outside come
Bondita is this the way to behave to our guest sumati asked

I'm not your guest aunty i'm your soon to be son-in-law he murmured

Bondita shocked to here what he just said her eyes pocked from the socket

Sumati-what?what did you say son-


Anirudh -i--i mean aunty i'm not your guest,i feels like this is my home so you're my mother na so i'm your son naa?

Sumati -yes no doubts

Bondita why are you looking like seems some ghost

Bondita-no ma i was just

Sumati-whatever..i'm going to kitchen

Anirudh- aunty can i take her out

Bondita rolled her eyes

Sumati-anirudh but

Anirudh-we will be back before 4p.m.

Sumati looked at the wall clock

She thought for some times and said yes

Anirudh happiness have no bounds

Anirudh-thank you so much aunty

Sumati-be careful ok

Bondita don' t do any mischievous ok

Bondita frowned am i a kid ma? 🙄 bondita asked to sumati

Sumati-hmm yea sometimes

Ani control his laugh

Bondita got irritated and glared at him

After getting ready they went to a restaurant oops sorry for "Date"

After they entered to the restaurant one waiter boy came and took them to upstairs

They came to the roof top of the restaurant

The waiter boy left from there

Suddenly Anirudh covers her eyes with his palms

Bondita gasped
A-anirudh b-babu w-hat a-re y-ou d-oing?
Bondita asked to anirudh

Can't you feel?Anirudh said in a sarcastic way

Bondita sighed

Bondita -i didn't meant that


They walked in from the door step

Anirudh had held bondita very protectively

Bondita asked him to leave her eues more than 50 times but he didn't even pay any attention

Anirudh- "Bondita" anirudh nearly whispered in here ears
Bondita are you ready?

Bondita gets goosebumps in her skin
And chill ran towards her stomach and spine

"Hmm"she just whispered

Anirudh removed his palms from her eyes

She adjusted her eyes to clear her vision

Her mouth was open wide due to shock she was so surprised to see the view infront of her eyes

Wow!this so great

Suddenly she hugged anirudh
Anirudh was shocked she never did this
He always hugged never she did
He reciprocated tge hug

Thank you so much for this surprise i really loved it

I love you!! She giggled while said this

He chuckled at her childish act

Ok ok come he said

They arranged themselves and sit in the mat with cushions

Bondita is enjoying the cool yet hot wind while wide open hands

On the otherside anirudh is admiring her witg a smile in his face

Anirudh-You like it?

You have preplanned everything na?

Anirudh -of course yes i knew that uncle will go for some urgent works for two days

Bondita-oh achha

Suddenly bondita asked anirudh

Have you ever had a relationship before?

Anirudh -yeah, I've had my share of relationships

Bondita -Doesn't that happen to everyone?
I meant any special Someone who was like that

Anirudh kept shut he had lost somewhere

Bondita -Anirudh babu, what happened she asked while sipping her coffee



Ignore my mistakes

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