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Ignore my mistakes

Reha and Bondita looked at each other

David gives the mike to anirudh

Anirudh -hope all of you are fine,
Now onwards in this college will be more stirct than before, no one have permission to go outside, if it is urgent,you can other wise no
Everyone should obey the new rules not for just students professors too, "he said looking at aditiya

Now disperse

All students go to there respective classes

Bondita looked back only to see anirudh stalking her only

She suddenly turn

Reha-bondi what just happened?
Look bondi your anirudh babu is now owner of this college, oops sorry, Anirudh sir that means you also the owner too heina bondita, sorry bondita ma'am

Bondita blushed hard

Bondita -stop this nonsense talks

Reha -heyy chal madam she teased her

Bondita glared at her


Such a hectic day bondi, reha said

Bondita -I'm so tired

suddenly phone rangs,it was reha's

Ok mumma i will stay at bondita's house
Ok mumma bye

Bondita -what happened reha?

Reha :mumma and papa gone for an urgent meeting to Gujarat, so they told me to stay with you

Bondita eyes lit up

Wow!she hugged reha tightly

Reha -areh baba ,reha chuckled at her cute friend
Bondi first i want to go to my house, to take some of my clothes

Bondita -do you have spare key?

Reha- of course

Bondita -chal

They come out from the college compound

Reha and bondita goes to reha's house to take her clothes, after taking her essentials,they left from there

They were waiting for bus at bus stop

Anirudh came there
He saw them from far

And asked them to enter

Firstly they hesitated 'cause now he is not just a mere lover
Now he's trustee of the clg where she's studying
So she have to make sure that now one could find out about there relationship

But some pair of eyes saw them

Anirudh -both of you here?

Anirudh -So reha tell me the route, i will drop you

Bondita -she is staying withme
Her parents gone for some urgent works

Anirudh -oh ok

They journey was quite
Bondita was enjoying the side views

Reha was blushing whenever she looks at them😂

Anirudh is continuously stealing her cute antics,Anirudh is driving the car but his eyes are on her

After sometimes he stop the car at ATM

Anirudh -wait here i wil be back soon

They nodded

He left without taking his phone
Bondita saw that she try to call him

He already left

His phone buzz
It's flashing "Nithya"

BONDITA:🖤MY OBSESSION🖤 Where stories live. Discover now