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Who is she? "bondita asked"

Anirudh-bondita she's my ex

Bondita -"EX"!?

Anirudh:Yes bondita. She is my gf in my clg but due to some reason we broke up

Bondita didn't digest what he said
Sudden possessiveness erupted in her mind

Bondita-uh.. You guys don't have any communication right?
She asked hopefully


Anirudh- No!No! We are good friends still she calls me or text me

Bondita didn't liked it she just hummed

Bondita- c-an y-ou sh.... Huh i mean do you have any pic of her

Anirudh -what hpnd?

Bondita-nothing just to see

Anirudh -let me check

After sometimes

Hmm haa yes here ani showed his phone

Bon's pov
Wow she's heavenly pretty her curly hair is awesome and chubby cheeks and mostly her black bindi

Pov end

She's so beautiful, "she exclaimed!"

Anirudh -yes she is!

Bondita-did she text you?



Why she's asking so many ques ani thinks

Bondita -hello! Did she text you everyday?

Anirudh -if she's free she will text me or call me

"Call" bondita repeated being shocked

Text message isn't enough for her
Bondita murmured while fuming

Anirudh sit confusingly

What happened to her? He thinks

Suddenly something strikes to his mind and he smirked

She's so beautiful we don't know why we broke but some misunderstandings happened between us

"Her" eyes says something different and her hair
He told her while looking intensely then he closed his eyes and imagine bondita her smile, nose, lips and mostly her long and thick hair, his face was containing small smile while he thinks

Bondita looked at him with shock
What he just said to her
Bon glared at him and then asked, why are you telling these things to me

Anirudh -smirked, you the one who told me to say, don't you?

Bondita -so? She raised her eyebrows

Oh someone is in jealous ano thought

My little innocent bondita having jealous on my ex-girlfriend
His heart fluttered

Bondita -where is she now?

Anirudh -she's in pune

Bondita -oh ok, which company?

Anirudh -private company

Bondita frowned the company doesn't have any name?

Anirudh -AGV PVT Company


After they shared some other talks, the enjoy alot

Suddenly bondita's expression changed

BONDITA:🖤MY OBSESSION🖤 Where stories live. Discover now