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Not edited🙂
Ignore my mistakes



She sat staring out the car window into the darkness

All she sees is darkness, just like her mind now

She sat silently crying..
Reha can't tolerate it no more

She asked the driver to stop the car
She asked bondita to come out
At first she refused,but Reha forced her

They were in a beach

Reha and bondita sat down on the sand

The beach was silently making waves

Bondita sat silently

Bondita kuch bol, what happened there? "Reha"

Bondita looked at her

Didn't you see what happened?

Bondita, i want hear it from you please clear your mind,you looks so broken"Reha said in a cracking voice"

Suddenly bondita hugged her tightly and cried hard, reha patted her head

It's's okeii, "Reha"

Bondita cried hard making reha's dress wet...

I t-rust-ed hi-m fr-om th-e bo-tto-m o-f m-y he-art, bu-t he, she remembered that dreadful moments

She whimpered and cried

Bondita tighten her grip and hugged her more tightly

Raha knows how soft-hearted Bondita is,she's so sensitive

She sighed sadly


Anirudh picked up his phone from the floor and called Reha's phone

Pick the call reha, he said while rubbing his brow


Reha saw her phone ringing, she ignored it

But someone kept calling

She sighed and looked who called

Anirudh sir?

Bondita looked at her

Once again her phone ring

Reha picked up the call

R-eha wh-ere is B-bondita?,"Anirudh asked desperately"

Reha kept silent

Reha say something,he yelled

Bondita can hear his yelling

She snatched Reha's phone

Hello what you want sir

B-ondita, bondita please lsn to me
Ik i lied to you but i never cheated you bondita

Who are you trying to convince?, "me?"
Me?"she shouted through the phone

Haven't I asked many times sir are you still love to her?she asked cryingly

We're lovers now, weren't we close friends before that?
If I had known about this before then I would have tried to get you both together, she said while sobbing
Instead you make me fall for you
I loved you, i-l-lov-ed-yo-u so-mu-ch,She burst into tears

BONDITA:🖤MY OBSESSION🖤 Where stories live. Discover now