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Anirudh-bondita bring food na I'm so hungry please
She looked at the clock and it was 12:15

Bondita - At this time? Okay, I'll get the ice cream

He nodded and Bondita left

He walked around her room. All her belongings will be kept clean
he thought

Then he came and sat on the bed and his hand touched something hard

In the hall
Bondita was quietly walking towards the kitchen when she saw Sumati coming from the kitchen and she quickly hid under the dining table, she sighed in relief

After Sumathi left,
Bondita came out from under the table.

After looking around, she walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer and took out ice cream along with two spoons She silently walked to her room

In bondita 's room

He identified that hard thing is bondita's phone he took that and he unlocked her phone

At that time bondita came

After locking she come towards him

Then her eyes caught her phone is in his hands a fear chills ran in her spine

"You came", Anirudh said with a serious face

He put her phone in the bed and he moved towards her

A-an-Ani-rudh Ba-babu i i-ca-an ex-pl-ain she moved towards backwards

Anirudh stood there and looked at her

You explain what? "Anirudh"

Gimme the ice cream baby

Bondita looked at him being shocked then she thinks seems like he didn't saw that

Anirudh saw her smiling and also saw she lost somewhere

Anirudh smirk

Bondita!he called out

Haa anirudh babu!here she showed ice cream

He took
Hurriedly bondita came and take her phone and clears her chrome history she sighed

Anirudh is watching her from corner of his eyes

Bondita looked at him and saw he is busy with the ice creams

He forwarded the scoop of ice cream
She ate it

And he take another scoop and he ate
He let out a moan
This scoop feels more sugar than before
Its taste like same as your lips
He said seductively

Then he came towards her and sat beside her

You know bondita love is like a rubber band, held at both ends by two people, "when one leaves it hurt other"

Bondita is looking at him lovingly

Did you leave me bondita? Like others did? Haa did you throw me like a tissue?
He asked her while chocking

Anirudh babu?!i will never leave you ever i will be there in every situation

Then she hugged him

Soon his crying face turned into a devilish face

Anirudh's pov
This is what I want too😈
Even if you think about it, don't think that you can leave easily from my hands😈i will hold you even more tightly in my hands you're mine bondita i will never let you go if you want too you belongs to me then how  can i let you go from me haaa? I love you bondita  but if you try to get away from me it will have the guts to change your(our)whole life Bondita
he thought while hugging her

BONDITA:🖤MY OBSESSION🖤 Where stories live. Discover now