Chapter -10

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They broke the hug  thank you❤️🤩this ring is very beautiful, i loved it, "Bondita said to him"
And then she pouted, i don't have anything to give you😒
But i will🤩
So don't put any ring in your ring finger okay? She asked him while pointing her index finger towards his face

Anirudh -acha baba i will wait for it and he shook his head with a smile

Good boy she hugged him
They two giggled

She looked at her wrist watch, suddenly she gasped 5:45p.m.

Bondita-Anirudh babu i'm getting late

Anirudh -so?

Bondita- i want to go home babu

Anirudh-oh ho!!ok we can g-

Bondita suddenly try to came out from his grip before listening full

He tightened his grip

Bondita frowned
What are you doing? Leave me

First of all try to listen full me bondita

Before you leaving give me a kiss
Here he pointed towards his crook of his neck

Bondita gasped at his wish

She shooked her head vigorously while looking down

She came out from his grip and stepped aside

So you don't give me a kiss, "Anirudh asked"

She don't know what to say she looked down

He took his steps forward
She took her steps backwards

Bondita try to run from there, but Anirudh suddenly catch her by her elbow and pulled her towards him

They two were get lost in there eyes

I will show you how to kiss in neck then anirudh moved his face to her neck bondita try to move but he hold her more tightly

When he almost reached her neck to kiss unfortunately phone buzz with a loud sound they parted away with a jerk

Anirudh groaned
Bondita giggled

Khon?, "anirudh"


She picked up the call

Sumati-Where are you bondita its

Bondita -Maa we are on the way maa

Sumati-ok come fast

Bondita -ok maa. Bye

And disconnected the call

What?, "anirudh asked"

Bondita-she asked me why are getting late
And she run away from him to take her bag making anirudh groan in frustration

Come lets go, "bondita"

Anirudh -why so fast? With a cute pout

Bondita-why so fast? Seriously anirudh babu she asked being unbelievable
Maa will get tension if she gets some tensions then for sure she will call papa

Always maa!or papa! Am i invisible to her he murmured under his breathe

Did you say something?, "bon"

No, "anirudh"

Chale, she then dragged him

He sighed and move with her

This girl!he thinks

Bondita -When did you arrange these things aniridh babu?

My mother's cousin. aunty did all the arrangements and mainly this restaurant is owned by her

Bondita-can i see her? Did she  know me?

Anirudh -yes

They came down

Anirudh -i think aunty is here let me check, bondita nodded

Anirudh left

At the time bondita sees a lady when she turned her eyes widened with fear suddenly bondita turned to other side

Bondita's pov
Oh dugga ma Maheshwari aunty
If she sees me and anirudh here No!No!
Pov end

Anirudh came

Her manager says she's in the reception come

Bondita-no anirudh babu my maa's friend is there she's very close to us if she sees us

Anirudh -nothing will happened  we took permission right?

Bondita-what if she gets know that we are dating?

Anirudh sighs
Where is your aunty

There bondita shows him

Maheshwari aunty

Bondita-aunty?do you know her before

Anirudh -she's my mothers younger cousin

Oh dugga ma
She gulped

Anirudh-arrey why are you afraiding

She's the one who i was talking  about

Anirudh babu you said na that your aunty does all the arrangements, "anirudh nodded"
And also you that said she knew me

Then how will i face her

Anirudh-cool bondita she doesn't saw you yet

Bondita -matlab?you told me she knows about me?

Anirudh -yes but she doesn't saw your photos so cool

Bondita took a sigh relief

Before she could saw us we can leave from here anirudh babu

Anirudh nodded and they left

Bondita hurriedly left to the parking area

She took a deep breath

Anirudh -bondita are you fine?
She nodded

They both get into the car and left

But someone saw them

While driving anirudh continuously looking at her
She saw that, she looked at the window to hide her blush

He take her hand and put in the gear,bondita looked at him
He change the gear with her hand, bondita smiled and she leaned towards his shoulder to put her head anirudh kissed her head

Soon they reached bondita's house she bid bye to him and she was going to open the car door he pulled her by her her wrist and she landed on his chest

Anirudh looked at her she can see something different in his eyes

He pulled her more he knew that the seats are hurting her because they are not in a good position

He try to kiss her bondita put her palm on his lips

Bondita -someone will see

Anirudh -no one
If you we took more time maybe someone will see us if that happens that because of you

Bondita narrowed her eyes

Acha? "Bondita "

Anirudh removed her palm and leaned towards her lips

And kissed her

BONDITA:🖤MY OBSESSION🖤 Where stories live. Discover now