Chapter-6 Claiming Her

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*Ignore my grammar mistakes*

Anamika came out from the coffee shop
And directly go where anirudh is hiding

Anirudh anamika called him

Anirudh:anu what she said?
She also have feelings for me?
What she said about me?
Is she misunderstood me?
He asked many questions in one go

Anamika:ani cool down,she said---- she said that----sh--

Anirudh:don't test my patience anamika

Anamika:ok ok...she said ok😌

Anirudh freez for seconds he can't believe his ears

Anirudh :what did you said? She also likes me?he is trying hard to control is emotion

Anamika:haa ani she too loves you

At the moment anamika is in air 😂anirudh just take her in his arms and dancing in his happiness
Anamika gasped at his sudden action

Anamika:Aa-ani w-wh-what a--ar--are y--yo--you d-oi-doing pu--put m-e do--wn she said being afraid of his action

Anirudh:no anu

Anamika:PUT Me DOWN!!!

anirudh dropped her on the groud


Anirudh came out fron his dreamy world and realized what blunder he did to his sister

Ohw sorry sorry anu i just huhh you said na put me down that's why

Anamika:did i told you to take me in your arms she said while wincing in pain AHH!
She tried to get up but failed OUCH!

Hey you buffalo help me

Anirudh pouted 'cause she calls him buffalo but his pout turned into a sheepish smile and that because of anamika's glaring

He suddenly helped her and placed her in nearby chair

Anirudh :anu are you okay

Anamika glared at him

Anirudh shut his mouth he knows how this silent girl act while she gets angry

Anirudh : we can go to hsptl come

Anamika :no no i'm okay

Anirudh :but your face not feels the same what your tongue said

Anamika:you're sitting infront of me na she said annoyingly

Anirudh :i will drop you

Come to home i will show you she smirked

Anamika don't tell to big mummy ok anirudh said
(is this our obsessed anirudh?)

I will think about it anamika said

After sometimes they reached anamika's house

Anamika :Anirudh you can go i can go myself I'm completely fine now

Anirudh :But

Anamika:no buts,don't forget to call bondita ok😁

Anirudh :how can i forgot that 😌
Okay bye

Anamika :bye buffalo 😌


Time skips

At night

Anirudh called bondita

Bondita :anirudh she picked up the call being excited



How are you?

Bon:i fine, u?



Bon:i want to clear one thing

Ani: what?

Bon:do you love me?

Ani:i will tell you tomorrow!

Bon:why?can't you tell me itself?

Ani:whether my answer is yes or no i want to say it while looking in to your eyes

Bon:ik what would be the answer



Ani:meet me in beach at 4:30 p.m. okay


Ani:yes,will you come?


Ani:then bye
Good night❤

Bon:good night❤

They end the call and get in to the bed to sleep

But they got lost in their world

They slept while thinking each other


Sorry for boring chp🥲




Precap:First Date




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Till then bye ❤

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