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The flight had been long, if I had been younger, I might've gotten a panic attack from it. The first time it happened I was so confused, and terrified. It was from Minneapolis to Paris, and it had been the longest flight I had ever done. It had made no sense to me at the time. The sensation of the cabin's walls closing in on me, my breath slipping away from me easily, and even harder to regain. 

The only time I actually moved in my seat was to adjust the cold air, I was too cold for this. Flight attendants came around, I only got a sprite and some pretzels. I'm not a picky person... most of the time. My hoodie had been crumpled in my backpack the wrinkles being revealed when I took it out after moving the ac away from me. 

"We'll be arriving at our gate, A4, in just a moment. Please stay seated and keep your seatbelts on until then please and thank you." A flight attendants harsh accent crackled through the intercom, and I swore I could feel a pair of eyes on my head. My fingers itched at my matted hair, pulling at the knots. A flight attendant came through for the final time, I watched her out of plain interest and ended up seeing that girl from earlier.... Llama! Wait no. No one names their kid llama, except for those weird Spanish teachers. The white ones that act like they're actually Hispanic or Latina but are just super basic and annoying. I've never liked them.

It was Liana! She was watching the flight attendant too; the only difference is that her cheeks were turning pinker the longer she watched the flight attendant. Oh.

I turned away, watching the window and waiting for the announcement we could get off. Soon everyone was grabbing their things and starting to shuffle off of the aircraft. I made it off and was about to start walking when someone started calling my name.

"Andy! Andy! Wait for me! Excuse me. Sorry, do you mind not glaring?" Liana was breaking through the crowd, her breath coming out in little puffs. She made it over after getting into a heated argument with some middle-aged woman. The words were out of my mouth before I had meant to ask them.

"Are you gay?" It was certainly a way to ask. Liana froze, rolled her eyes and flicked her hand down.


Taxis, Ubers and other cars were all throughout the exit and honked angrily. Stray curse words were flung through the air, making an elderly couple wince. It sounded like it was coming from some angry teenage girl, she was wearing a hoodie with the image of a dove on it. Then a pair of jeans, isn't that the St. McCrawly's logo?

"Excuse me!? I need you to fucking think for once! I need an uber to St. McCrawly's private school right this minute!" She was shouting in a thick Irish accent, a small pocket of space seemed to grow around her and the rental man she was talking to. If you could call that talking. Why won't you help her? I winced as well, this time from my own thoughts or the voice. I was never able to tell who, or where it came from. But it was never satisfied. The girl looked about ready to hit him, she clenched her fists and then I realized how serious this was. Liana looked about, an uncomfortable silence settling between us.

"Miss, I'll have to call security if you do not calm down." The man asked, his name tag flashing in the sunlight. She was flexing her hands, and her leg pulled back slowly.

I moved forward, pushing my nails into my palms when I walked. My fingers clasped into her own, and I pulled her back from the rental guy.

"Honey... we need to head back now. Did you remember to take your medicine?" The words rolled off my tongue, each one coated with sugar to lie, to convince him this was the truth. The girl squeezed my hand, eyes wide and confusion evident in them.

"I-uhhh... Thhhheres not-not aaa pla-ace to take myyy medicine-medicine." She slurred her words, stuttering and shivering in an animalistic way. The guy's eyes widened and then he sighed.

"A car should be ready in the second wing. The keys will be left with you until further notice. Miss, are you her supervisor?" He turned to look at me, already trusting me even though I am lying. This isn't real...this isn't real....none of this is real! I nodded, feeling hollow and doll-like.

"Yes sir." I answered, another lie to tempt him into submission. He nodded, giving me the keys and a card for a mental institution. How does someone keep that on hand?!
Liana  came over, looking over the girl. She was calm now, almost embarrassed but she still allowed us to lead her away and towards the new wing. "That was certainly something." I whispered, looking over at Liana. The girl winced and smiled.

"I'm sorry that you had to do that, I lose control very easily?" The girl asked, like she was questioning her reasons too. She shrugged, letting go of my hand and swiping her palms against her jeans. "I'm Valerie. I'd ask you to introduce yourself, but you were probably going to anyways." Valerie said, getting onto the tram. Liana and I got on. It was almost a silent agreement that we were staying together. A girl waved at her, a smile on her face.

"I'm Anya. Are you going to that school?" She asked, pointing at the logo on her hoodie. Valerie nodded, an smile on her face as well.

"I'm Liana and that's Andy ." Liana pointed over to me and a small smile spread along her face. She looked so tired, but as easily as she had shown it the act disappeared.

I waved, looking at the mental institution card. The words were in black calligraphy, too bold against the stark white paper. I didn't need it and I certainly wouldn't say anything to Valerie about needing it. It fluttered to the ground before the tram came to a stop. The doors opened up, a swishing noise coming from each of them. Anya smiled, following us to the car. She looked ethereal from how pale she was, the best way to describe it was that she may be an albino.

"Is it cool if I tag along? I know you guys better than the other strangers here." She said, walking along with us. Her backpack had daisies on it and matched all of her other bags with the same pattern.

I laughed and smiled at her, "you only know our names though." Anya smiled and looked around, before whispering really loudly.

"That's more then I know about them!" An elderly couple froze, before a crabby looked overtook both of their faces and they walked away faster.

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