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Lia is back. She was just standing there in the bathroom doorway and she looked horrible.At first, I was happy to see her, even thinking of hugging her.But I felt strangely irritated at her just standing so casually with no care for any of us.

My leggings were a little itchy today, making it harder to want to wear them with the skirt but you never know.

Once we were all dressed, we made our way to the cafe. Anya looked exhausted as well...

"Anya are you doing okay?" I asked, inspecting the dark circles under her eyes. Her normal glow was faded.

"I'm just struggling with sleeping and feeling rested. I stayed up a lot at home so I just need to fix that." She explained, bumping her head on my shoulder lightly. I gave a thumbs up, still collecting myself from waking up.

Since New Years had passed, mom's anniversary was closer. She was hospitalized on New Years...but she died only a week or after. January 7, Wilma Martinez passed away early morning from cancer complications.

Everyone was chatting absently, grabbing food or drinks. I think one girl just spiked her apple juice, go her.

"Hey Liana. Your hoodies all cleaned up so I can give it back once we have a break long enough to hang out at the dorm." I said, making her jump.The hoodie had caused enough awkward feelings for me. She was tired too. There's no doubt it's probably from her nightmares. But I am surprised she didn't catch my fever from cuddling with me.

"Oh- wait, you still have it?" Liana smirked, as though me waiting to wash it entailed anything. Quite frankly, I was on my last string of sanity before I holed up in the dorm for the day.

"Yeah. I wanted to wash it since I was sick when I wore it." My pointed look did make anything obvious to her. I think the girls were purposely taking so long.

"Or you just wanted to wear it some more." She winked, not picking up any hints from me. She flirts with me but says she doesn't know how to love me? These are some pretty unfair hints.

"Look, I don't want for whatever it is we have to hurt the girls. Val's already upset because you left her in Ireland and never said you were okay." I clarified, sipping on my lemonade with as much calmness I can muster.

"I know that... but it's fine! My dad and I... we patched a few things up. This was my first Christmas with him that felt, okay?" Liana stated it more like a question, but it sounded less and less like she cared about what she had done and more about what she had received.

"Liana. You have been so distant to all of us. You can't just use healing as an excuse for why you ditched Val." I felt hot rage boiling in my stomach over the conversation. She always did this!

"I didn't ditch her." Liana's eyebrows knit together as her lips pulled into a frown.

"Didn't you? You promised her you'd come back to the Clark's!" I was starting to yell now too.. This was pissing me off!

"I didn't realize, I just got caught up." Liana bit back. Neither of us were eating our food, I couldn't hear any side chatter. 

"Right, because obviously everyone's trauma and problems always come back to you! It's always Lianas the victim, isn't it?!" I shouted it, hearing the words bounce off the chandeliers and ceiling.

"I am not a victim! I have- problems. As do we all, it's not my fault I lack in some areas!" Liana yelled back, her face twisting into one of confusion at my outburst.

"That can't be an excuse when you hurt people!" I was seething, gripping the edge of the table with white hands. "It's not an excuse to not try to change or grow! It's also not an excuse to say you don't know how to love me, but continue to flirt with me!Especially when you know that I like you a lot!" Tears were making my vision fuzzy, collecting at my eyelids.

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