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Mom was yelling at me. That sounded bad in itself. But it was something I gradually became accustomed to.

"You took Mary out to her date?! After we told her she wasn't allowed to go?!" Mom screeched, gripping the counter as if it might break. Her hair was still a fiery red, even as the gray color peaked out from her roots.

Mary was hovering in the corner, wearing an outfit I lent her and holding her purse limply. She's only 13, but she was already catching so many eyes. It wasn't surprising.

She looked like a faerie, even in a hoodie or jeans, or a dress. Mary was the one of the six of us to get the good looks from both mom and dad.

"Mom, she really wanted to go, and it's a good experience for her! She had fun!" I answered, keeping my posture and head high. I couldn't let Mom get to me.

"I thought your school would help you. Perhaps, it would be better to send you somewhere else?" Mom suggested, looking at my dad like she was already asking for his permission to send an email to Mr. Harris.

Dad looked at her, a stony storm watching our fight in case to break it up. That was his problem, he was neutral. He didn't take my side, or moms. He just stood there.

"Mom. No." I hissed, feeling that crumbling of my reserve. That part I kept tucked away, the little child inside that wanted to whine, kick, and hurt others. "Don't do that to me..." I continued, feeling my posture break and my gaze fall to the floor.

Mary's footsteps pattered away, even as I defended her. She wouldn't do that same for me... I don't blame her for it, she's only 13.

"Valerie. You need to show improvement if you want to continue to go to your school." Mom finished, already walking away. I was always her scapegoat. Someone to blame the family problems on- someone whom the neighbors would always see as the problem child.

"Show improvement?..." I echoed, hysteria bubbling inside of me. Giggles spilt out of me, and I felt like I was going crazy in one moment. "I will never show improvement in your mind mom." I hissed, watching her straighten and become stormy.

Dad straighten in his armchair, the fire crackling and lengthening his shadow.

"What did you say Val?" Mom hissed, and I could hear the challenge in her tone. I sighed, looking up at her and meeting her eyes.

"I'm not ever going to be good enough for you Mom. I will always be your scapegoat." I began, watching as the hot air left her. Never had fights gotten like this before. But this was for pipsqeak, Lia, Andy and Zaynab.

They're my family. I don't want to lose them just because my mom feels uneasy, like she's loosing control. "I haven't shown improvement in your eyes, because you're blaming me for everything! You're blaming me for Mary's date, me for taking Tommy to the science fair- which he won!" I raised my voice, the arm chair dad was in creaked.

This- this was where he wanted to intervene.

"You're a controlling person mom. Every single one of us is sheltered and it's your fault." I continued, and then I felt Dad put his foot down.

"Valerie. That's enough." Dad finished, putting a hand on Moms shoulder. She sniffed, glaring at me. "Go clean up and go to sleep." Dad added, guiding mom away from me.

"Yes dad..." I murmured, feeling the anger and protective nature leave my body at his words.

My throat burnt from the piss poor alcohol, Kylie was smiling at me from behind the bar, even as I held up her up in closing.

No one else was in here, and she was my closest friend here. She was a black beauty, her dark skin was gorgeous. Her hair was straight today, glossy in the warm light.

"Val, I think you've had enough now?" Kylie suggested, wiping down the table behind me with her rag.

I groaned in response, taking another sip of my ale. I wish it tasted like root beer- it would be much better if it tasted like it.

"Val, that's your last cup. You're so wasted and it's not funny." Kylie finished, taking away my other cups. I nodded, trying to make sense of the room. It was spinning slightly, and the light was fluctuating every time I blinked.

"Alright that's it." Lia muttered, grabbing my cup and taking it away. I blinked, watching Lia turn into Andy. What was happening?

"Val, you aren't looking too good..." Andy acknowledged, putting a hand to my forehead. I giggled at the touch. I was feeling sleepy- and then it felt like electricity flowed through my veins.

"Valley- what are you doing?" Anya whined, tapping on my cheek with a small giggle. She was poking my cheek. "You do know you can ask for help from us right?" She added, and I swatted her hand away. Kylie kept disappearing in my sight, and it was becoming rather funny.

"Val?" Kylie asked, already grabbing my phone. She opened it up, dialing the first number that came up. "I'm calling Lia. Whoever they are, they need to come pick you up." Kylie said, dialing the phone number. It was picked up immediately, and that was what filled me with hope and sadness at the same time.

"Val? What's up?" Lia voice came through clear.

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