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There had been quite the spectacle occurring outside of the airport once Andy and I had gotten our things, but we had gained two new friends from it. 

A girl with a strong Irish accent had been arguing with a Taxi driver when we had left the terminal. I was content to continue walking past when Andy stepped over to them and talked to the girl, the driver had handed them a card and Andy pulled her away. I was confused at first, but I learned later that apparently Valerie had gotten herself into quite a bit of trouble and Andy had saved her from a trip with the security guards. 

Another girl, with skin that glowed white in the sunlight had also joined us. Her name was Anya, and she had a prominent Russian accent that made her English sometimes become slurred. There were sometimes in conversation where her English would translate to Russian suddenly because she'd forgotten the word. Then Andy and her would practically play a game of charades as she guessed what word she had forgotten.

They were both headed to the same school as Andy and I which led to us all riding in the same car. Or maybe I shouldn't call it a car. 

It was a dang limo. A huge black car had pulled up with the McCrawly's logo on the side, my jaw had dropped open for a few seconds before I contained myself. The driver hadn't said much, black sunglasses covering his face, he had taken our bags and stuffed them in the back before opening the back doors for us and letting us scoot in. 

A silence had settled over us all after that, not an uncomfortable one. But the kind of silence that settles over strangers that don't know each other well enough to keep a conversation. Valerie had her feet propped up on the seat and she yawned, stretching her shoulders. 

"Nice ride, huh?" She remarked, glancing around the vehicle. We all nodded in response, and I looked over to Andy. Her eyes seemed haunted for a second. I had noticed this expression on their face a few times in the short time I've known her. It was like...Like they were fighting some internal battle with themselves. The look always disappeared before I could ever get a good reading on what she was thinking.  

Andy looked over at me, she had caught me staring. 

"What?" They asked, tilting their head at me. 

"Oh nothing," I sighed, and then added "I like the purple strips in your hair, I've always wanted to dye my hair but...never got to it." I pucker my lips. More like was never allowed to, dad's image is too important, I guess. 

"Thanks?" She says it as if it's a question, like she's not sure whether to take it as a compliment or not. 

"I like it too!" Anya pipes in. "They are very.... you" She smiles, her white eyelashes fluttering. Andy's cheeks go a bit pink. They're not used to attention. She laughed at the comment. 

"What does that mean?" No one answered the question, so she ended up turning away again.   her attention going to the window as we all fell silent. 

The trees and valleys rolled by as we sped along the freeway, and I couldn't help also staring out the window at my new surroundings. Everything was just so...green. 

As we drove the roads got nicer, and there was less trash muddling the street. We're getting into the rich side of town, That must mean we're close. I thought to myself, and sure enough I was right. A few second later we pulled up to a large gate with enormous hedges bordering each side of it. 

I leaned my face against the window to get a better view. The large logo of Saint McCrawly's was carved into the top of the gate, winding metal vines and flowers curving down from it. Creating a beautiful piece of art. 

Roses and vines, but instead of thorns littering the vine beneath the flowers, there were spikes. 

"Woah.." I heard Anya exclaim from behind me, a string of Russian words I didn't understand also falling of her tongue as her eyes bulged at the huge gate. 

It opened for us as we drove up to it, the huge doors swinging open. 

What was inside was even more gawk worthy. 

There was a fountain, a dang fountain!  It was letting out streams of water into the air, the droplets catching and reflecting bits of the sun and creating mini rainbows. We drove around the fountain before stopping behind another large limo letting other kids out. 

I had thought I had seen big buildings living in San Fransisco, but they were nothing compared to this enormous hulk of a building sitting in front of me. 

It was all made of stone and granite, pillars held up the over hang that sat above the large stairwell leading up to the building. Tall towers framed the both sides of the school, probably rooms for dormitories. 

It was hard to believe I was standing in front of a school, and not a castle. Kids were already piling up on the lawn, some even heading inside to check the lists for dormitories and get settled in. Our car came to a stop at the front of the long walking path up to the main doors and I listened as the driver slammed his door shut to walk over and open ours. 

I looked at the other girls, who were still staring at the school in awe. I grumbled. "C'mon guys, you can ogle at the school all you want once we get out of the car." I usher them towards the door. 

"Like you weren't staring!" Andy scoffs at me, letting herself be pushed out of the car. The driver has gotten our luggage out already and had simply nodded at us before jumping in the car and driving away again. 

I grab my backpack and put my two other suitcases in my hand, Andy and Anya do the same but when I look over to Valerie she seems to only be donning a duffle bag. 

"Light packer?" I ask, with a smirk on the edge of my lips. Jeez, what a bitch. I scold myself. Maybe she doesn't own a lot of things. So what? Did you have to question her on it?

But instead of becoming offended, Valerie just shrugs and starts a light skip towards the towering front doors. 

We all follow her, walking through the small crowd of students yet to be in their uniforms. A few people stare at us, but most talk amongst themselves. Their chatter ringing in my ears. A tall boy with dark hair and freckles walks past us, turning sideways to slide between Anya and another student. 

"Sorry." He mumbles out, his dark blue eyes flicking over us. I watch as Anya stares after him and I do the same. Once he's out of ear shot, I whistle a long note. 

"Damn he's hot." I say and Anya looks forward again, a bit of a dreamy spark in her eye. 

"Yeah." She sighs and I chuckle. 

The large doors of Saint McCrawly's looms closer and if I thought they looked large from out by the fountain, they looked absolutely enormous from up close. 

What was their thing with making everything so big? Probably a statement of dominance because apparently having large doors makes you important. 

Andy drops her luggage suddenly and groans, shaking out her hands. 

"Why are these so heavy!" 

Valerie snorts.  

"I heard they have a whole gym here, maybe it would interest you to check it out." She turns her head and smiles at them. Andy sticks her tongue out at her, resuming our long walk to the doors. 

This was going to be an interesting year. 

Puppets in Uniform  ~~ An Apply FicWhere stories live. Discover now