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Zay stayed silent on the phone while I explained what happened. I didn't know how I felt, I love Lia, I'm not in love with her, but she's one of the few people I've felt interested in being in a relationship with.

"So, she rejected you without being told you wanted to be in a relationship?" Zay snickered, while a woman shouted something in a different language. Anya laughed as well, making the joint call even more irritating.

"Yes. I don't know how drunk she was either, while black out drunk would be the best option and the more fitting one-" I rambled, pacing along the cliffs. They were very pretty, and I liked the smell of salt and the ocean.

The wind carried upwards, making my sundress flutter upwards in the wind. It felt foreign wearing one but I felt comfortable wearing it today.

"How did you get beer?! Aren't we all 16?" Zaynab exclaimed, cutting off my rambling. I snorted, and Anya stayed silent.

"It's a small town, it's also Christmas in a few days so I doubt anyone here is focused on ID checking anyone." I explained, not really sure of the answer myself. It's something that was easy to do at first.

"Breaking" into Dads liquor cabinet when we was struggling with our first year without mom. Or stealing Lucas's stash. I never really did the drugs he had, minus the cigarettes... I did use those but it was only an experiment of sorts?

But getting ID checked never occurred for me, at least for a while.

"That's a shitty answer." Zay sighed, and Anya agreed. Even though they couldn't see it, I shrugged.

"I don't have a less shitty one, Zay." Now I sighed, still mulling over last night. It felt like a weird dream, completely covered in mist and memory.

"So, then what are you going to do?" Anya asked, rummaging noises being made. I shrugged again, thinking it over it.

"Well, I see no reason to ignore her, or shun her. She's still my friend. I'll just treat her like I do my friends." I said, kicking a pebble off the cliff. A clump of snow came off with it, plopping into the choppy waves below.

It wasn't cold for the most part- it was just dreary and wearing the dress made me feel more awake. More alive, I guess.

"Well, okay. Do you want us to talk with her?" Anya offered, and it made me feel uncomfortable. The idea of our friend group becoming split just because Lia and I aren't going to date. That felt shitty, I wasn't going to drag all of my problems out onto my friends!

"Nope, not about our weird drunken confession last night. I don't want that to have an effect on our friendships in a negative way." I concluded the conversation, and we all said our goodbyes. It felt nice to be by the Atlantic. In some way, if I got over the horizon, I'd be able to go home.

I made my way back to Val's house slowly, clumsily and with my thoughts clouded with worry. What will happen?

As I stumbled back, tripping over stones slightly, it felt like Deja vu, but I was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. A quick glance at the ID, it was my dad. I tapped the answer button, stopping my walk back. Val and Lia were talking in front of the house, and the latter looked confused and hung over.

"HI, my little Star, are you feeling better from your fever?" Dad asked, his beard bristling against the phone. I could hear Lilian exclaim in the background, feet pattering over to the phone.

"I've recovered, I've actually been in Ireland with Val and Lia for the past few days." I answered, tugging on a strand of hair, feeling the ends prick my finger slightly. Val and Lia noticed me waving.

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