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The airport buzzed with people, and the spirit of Christmas bleh. It felt nice to go home. I didn't for thanksgiving- at least it wasn't celebrated at our school so there wasn't any time to go...

"C'mon honey, we're going to see your father soon!" One mother cooed making her little girl smile. I didn't feel jealous of her, not that little girl, I love my birth mom and I miss her.

Her death anniversary is coming up, almost 2 years since she died... I didn't remember it until the marketplace back in the cliffs of Moher.

"Gate B7 is now boarding for special needs people." The intercom buzzed, and a lady with her baby shuffled forward.

The exhaustion that clung to me felt heavier, it was familiar at this point. I got sick, I had to go to Val, Lia and I had that... happen. Shit was just going down and I was struggling to keep up with it.

✨🦋Martinez Family Chat🦋✨
Andy: boarding at Edinburgh, is it direct?

Lilian💜: Yup! Are you okay to go Christmas shopping after you've settled in Darling?

Dad💜: It is. I'll have breakfast made for you when you get here, and some warm towels if you'd like to shower. 💜

Andy: Okay, that sounds nice. Thanks Dad and...

I paused, thinking about it. I was never mad with Lilian for liking Dad. I was mad with Dad... I thought he had gotten over Mom too quickly and was trying to replace her.

But Lilian had been there for me in 8th grade when I first moved to San Francisco, she had been a maternal figure when I so badly wanted one.

Andy: Okay, that sounds nice. Thanks Dad and Step-Mama. See you two soon 💜

I pressed send, then slowly made me way onto the plane and put in my Air Pods. They made the ding noise, and I queued up my playlist.

Playing: Mary on a cross by ghost
I appreciated the smell of gas and salt water more than I thought I would. Fog was stuck to the horizon and streets like a cloud, within it came loud and angry honking from drivers.

"My star!" Dad waved, a large grin on his face. My bags bounced as I ran over, dropping them to hug Dad. It felt good to be home. Lilian was at Dads left side, holding onto his arm with a gentle smile.

Once I finished hugging Dad, I stepped towards Lilian.

"Hey... uh- Lilian? Would it be okay to have a hug?" I asked, feeling the words part a path between us. She grinned, pulling me into a hug.

"We missed you, Darling!" Lilian cooed, stroking my head slightly. She smelt like vanilla and mint, a complimentary smell in my opinion. Her hair had yet to succumb to the messy mom bun, for now it was in a long brown braid.

"We'll be home in a few minutes assuming traffic isn't shit." Dad said, putting my suitcase and duffel bags into the trunk of his jeep. I smiled, feeling even more sleepy as we drove through the roads.

China town looked as bright as ever, but most of it was for the tourists. Dad's skin had tanned significantly, deepening his brown skin. His beard was trimmed, and had a slight fluffy, brightness to it that it hadn't had for a long time.

"Assuming traffic isn't shit? It's Christmas!" Lilian huffed, glaring at some couple that jumped out on the street. A streetcar's bell dinged, and slowly the Christmas lights turned off as the sun rose up. Dad shrugged, giving Lilian a head pat and focusing back on the road.

I wanted to tell Dad everything, but I was sleepy, drained and nothing was going to happen while I was asleep...


The mall was filled with tree's covered in ornaments, some stray mistletoe, and tons of children. Gross. I could always pull a Technoblade..

"Hey Lil, can we get smoothies?" I ask, looking over at the Jamba Juice booth. The line was non-existent. Everyone was hogging the Starbucks line; hot chocolate had become a little too familiar for me. Anya made us have it every. single. night.

Lilian nodded, shopping bags rattling and shuffling with presents. We had raided the baby stores along the way. All of it was relatively gender neutral, lots of yellow and purple, a very random blueberry bib.

We made it into the line, placed our orders and waited for them. Lil decided not to order anything, I think its pregnancy cravings ruining Jamba for her. Sad days.

My mango smoothie tasted great, even though it made me feel chillier then normal.

"So. What's going on in your world?" Lilian asked, adjusting her bags. I shrugged, looking over at the fountain in the mall. It was running, sending rainbow arks into the air from the mist. Lia would like it. Probably make some joke about the fountain being an LGBTQ+ supporter.

"Lil... I think I'm questioning my identity again." I murmured, stopping to look at some knit beanies. They looked so comfy! Lilian hummed, acknowledging me with a thoughtful expression. It wasn't just that, but it was also Lia.

"What are you questioning about your identity?" Lil asked, guiding me to a bench to talk. Her shirt rose up slightly from the baby bump.

"I don't know if I'm really cupioromantic. I thought I was, I mean I have been for the past two years!" The exhaustion was building up inside me, making it difficult to want to be out and about right now. Lil nodded, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Andrea. I work with a grade of kids where everyone is questioning themselves, so they find a label that fits them for the time they need it." Lil began, taking my empty smoothie cup from my hands. "You were grieving from your loss and suffering with depression. It's only natural you weren't feeling interested in a relationship. You've healed so much since then, so perhaps it's time to shed that label and see if it still fits later." She suggested, squeezing my hand to see if I was listening. It made sense! I squeezed back, releasing a sigh.

"Thank Lil... You're really kind and supportive." I murmur, closing my eyes. The flight was catching up to me and making me feel even more tired.

"Right then. I'm tired, you're tired. Let's go home." Lil said, adjusting so I could get up. I felt so sore, groaning like an old man as I got up from the chair. Lilian guided us through the crowd, but one girl wouldn't move aside. "Excuse me! Pregnant woman coming through!" Lil shouted, and the crowd parted like the god damn red sea.

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