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Dress shopping went by in a dazing blur. It felt like a nice break to the cycle of classes, studying and any dance drama. Valerie, Zaynab and Anya were all handling their dresses with pride. Andy hovered off to the side, staring at her selection from the declared non-binary section. They had tight jeans, little stars and constellations in white on them. Then a silky purple top, that showed his collarbone off most likely, it looked very loose.

They're tugging on their hair, pink high lighting the brown of her eyes. It looked good; I was also curious. Light chatter came from the girls while Valerie paid for her things.

"Hey something up?" I asked, worry and anxiety filling my mind immediately when he didn't respond right away. Had I said something I shouldn't have? What if she started to ignore me because I was being invasive? But not I'm being too clingy. Something touched my hand, I looked up, panic trying hurriedly to be masked at Andy's concern.

"Yeah, just tired. Are you okay? You looked about ready to have a panic attack."  She squeezed my hand, the cold chilling my own sweaty hands. Heat rushed to my face; the others were waiting for us at the door.

I nodded, pulling us away towards the girls. Valerie winked, nudging my side.

"Owie! That hurt jerk." I complained, giving Valerie a small push with my hip. She gasped, flailing against a brick building's wall.

"Zaynabbb! Liana hit me!" Valerie pouted, rubbing her elbow like it really hurt. The two girls up front turned around, Anya giggling and Zaynab with her stern motherly expression. She wagged her finger at Valerie.

"Now Val, this is why Anya's the favorite." She tutted, grabbing Anya's hand like she was a toddler. Andy snorted; her fingers still unknowingly intertwined with my own.

"Anya's everybody's favorite look at her! She's like a fairy, everybody loves fairies. If they don't then they were robbed of a childhood." He huffed; the bags Andy held making a loud popping noise against their leg.

"I didn't like fairies as a child. Now I just don't believe in them." I teased, not wanting her to know it was actually the truth. Mom sucked any magic out of the house the day she left, not just the house but Dad as well... Maybe I should call him? no...

Andy gasped, offense taking over her features so quickly. She was very good at replacing her emotions, it was just hard to tell whether or not they were genuine... Did they even know themselves?

"Are you stuck here to for holiday as well Fellow American?" Andy inquired, piling into the Taxi that had been called over at some point. Bags were crowding our legs, taking up valuable leg room. Andy seemed unbothered with how petite she is.

"Yeah, my dad doesn't celebrate anymore so it would be a waste of money to fly back." I explained, not realizing how cold that made my dad sound. She grimaced, almost like she understood that feeling. She had two parents still!

"Well, that's okay! I'm stuck here too. Everyone else is flying back over holiday, right?" Andy asked, leaning in front of me. I could smell their shampoo... They smelt like lavender, almonds and caramel!? How!? The chattering became background noise, it faded out into a low drone.


My glare wasn't melting my phone, taking away to open contact on it. "Dad." It said so blankly, there was a picture of him from when I was younger, when mom was still here. He was smiling, laughter seemed to radiate off of him even in the photo.

The balcony had at some point, become my safe space. Which was strange as it had not been safe the past few times. Andy scaled a wall with me on her back the first time, we got locked out a few other times, mostly in September.

The doors creaked open; hands covered my eye along with a voice that always annoyed me.

"Hiya!" Andy smiled, removing her hands from my face. There was an extra plate in their hands, they handed it to me, pastries stacked high on it.

"Noooo I want to be aloneee!" I whine, squirming out of his hug. Andy grinned at me, taking a bite out of some sort of tart. The phone binged, a message popped up and it was my dad.

"Whose that?" She asked, not looking at the phone yet. I shrugged, turning off my phone. Dad could wait...I don't miss him that much... yet.

There was only a few days till the dance. I hated the idea of going to it, it filled me with dread I didn't know was possible to have. What was the point of going to such a silly dance? There would only be a bunch of couples making out and pretending they actually want to be there.

"Liana? Is something up?" Valerie asked, noticing my unease. We were walking to our history class. Andy glided past us, talking about something with Zaynab.

"I'm just a little irritated with the school dance coming up?" I explained, a little confused with the dread I felt myself. Val nodded, seemingly understanding it.

"Do you wish you had a date or someone to go with?" She asked, a sly grin on her face. She was implying about the bet over Andy. I don't think about them like that, nor do I think I ever would. She's my close friend. Maybe even my best friend.

"No, I don't think so." I mumbled, heat creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks. Val nudged me, laughing slightly at me.

"Are you going to ruin Anya and I's bet?" She teased as we made our way to our seats.

Hey, I'm curious. If I or Isla wrote "special" or "bonus(?)" chapters. What would you guys like to see? It can be Au's, scenarios between characters that you'd like to see etc.

Please comment if there's anything you'd like on the sparkles below lol.

1. No sexual content, they are minors and neither of us are comfortable writing it
2. No homophobic, transphobic, racist or sexist situations. We don't condone any of these subjects.


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